Learn Japanese Kanji 18 (星晴切雪船前組走線多)

皆さん、こんばんは, mina-san konbanwa Good evening learners^^ as usual, every we meet, I'll post new Japanese lesson to this blog, and today's lesson is learning Japanese kanji^^. And right now, we are in 3rd grade, ready to learn guys? Ok this is the lesson:

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 星

meaning : stars
kunyomi : hoshi
onyomi : sei, shou
stroke : 9
kotoba : 星空=hoshizora=starry sky、星占い=hoshiuranai=horoscope、惑星=wakusei=planet、火星=kasei=mars
kanji stars

2. 晴

meaning : clear/fine (weather)
kunyomi : ha-reru
onyomi : sei
stroke : 12
kotoba : 晴れ=clear/fine/sunny、晴天=seiten=clear sky、晴れ着=haregi=sunday best clothes
kanji clear/fine

3. 切

meaning : to cut
kunyomi : ki-ru, ki-reru
onyomi : setsu
stroke : 4
kotoba : 切ない=setsunai=painful、切る=kiru=to cut、切手=kitte=stamp、切断=setsudan=amputation
kanji cut

4. 雪

meaning : snow
kunyomi : yuki
onyomi : setsu
stroke : 11
kotoba : 新雪=shinsetsu=new snow、初雪=hatsuyuki=first snow、雪合戦=yukigassen=snowball fight
kanji snow

5. 船

meaning : ship
kunyomi : fune, funa
onyomi : sen
stroke : 11
kotoba : 船乗り=funanori=sailor、箱船=hakobune=ark、汽船=kisen=steamship、風船=fuusen=ballon
kanji ship

6. 前

meaning : front, before
kunyomi : mae
onyomi : zen, sen
stroke : 9
kotoba : 午前=gozen=AM、名前=namae=name、前日=zenjitsu=previous day、前売り=maeuri=advance sale
kanji front, before

7. 組

meaning : program
kunyomi : ku-mu, kumi
onyomi : so
stroke : 11
kotoba : 番組=bangumi=program (tv)、組合=kumiai=union、組織=soshiki=organization、仕組み=shikumi=construction
kanji program

8. 走

meaning : to run
kunyomi : hashi-ru
onyomi : sou
stroke : 7
kotoba : 走者=sousha=runner、競走=kyousou=race (run)、脱走=dassou=desertion
kanji to run

9. 線

meaning : line
kunyomi : -
onyomi : sen
stroke : 15
kotoba : 電線=densen=electric wire、線路=track/line (train)、直線=chokusen=straight line、地平線=chiheisen=horizon
kanji line

10. 多

meaning : many/much
kunyomi : oo-i
onyomi : ta
stroke : 6
kotoba : 多い=ooi=many/much、多分=tabun=perhaps/probably、多数=tasuu=great number、多量=taryou=large quantity
kanji much/many

Alhamdulillah, I've finished my duty for this blog today^^, I hope you glad to read and learn Japanese in this blog. Hmm I'll off guys, see you tomorrow^^.

1 Response to "Learn Japanese Kanji 18 (星晴切雪船前組走線多)"

  1. All the 10 words are very important for using it in daily life. Thanks for these lessons.

    Japanese Examples


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