Hello everybody, welcome back, thank for being here, today, I am gonna
share a vocabulary list all about house and furniture (家や家具) ^^, I think this vocabulary list is not difficult to memorize, because you will see these words every day or even everytime in your home(^_^.). Alright, the small talk is enough, let's have a look the vocabulary list:
Vocabulary: House And Furniture (家や家具) |
Japanese |
Romaji |
English |
家 |
uchi/ie |
house, home |
台所/キチン |
daidokoro/kichin |
kitchen |
居間 |
ima |
living room |
和室 |
washitsu |
japanese style room |
部屋 |
heya |
room |
お風呂 |
ofuro |
bathroom |
トイレ/お手洗い |
toire/otearai |
toilet |
寝室/ベッドルーム |
shinshitsu/beddoruumu |
bedroom |
天井 |
tenjou |
ceiling |
屋根裏 |
yaneura |
attic |
玄関 |
genkan |
entrance |
ドア |
doa |
door |
窓 |
mado |
window |
床 |
yuka |
floor |
庭 |
niwa |
garden |
壁 |
kabe |
wall |
布団 |
futon |
futon |
毛布 |
moufu |
blanket |
畳 |
tatami |
tatami/japanese straw floor covering |
椅子 |
isu |
chair |
机 |
tsukue |
desk |
本棚 |
hondana |
bookshelf |
家具 |
kagu |
furniture |
洗濯機 |
sentakuki |
washing machine |
電子レンジ |
denshirenji |
microwave |
冷蔵庫 |
reizouko |
refrigerator |
掃除機 |
soujiki |
vacuum cleaner |
乾燥機 |
kansouki |
drier |
枕 |
makura |
pillow |
抱き枕 |
dakimakura |
body pillow |
テレビ |
terebi |
television |
パソコン |
pasokon |
personal computer |
戸棚 |
todana |
cupboard |
鏡 |
kagami |
mirror |
ラジオ |
rajio |
radio |
流し |
nagashi |
sink |
電話 |
denwa |
telephone |
電気製品 |
denkiseihin |
electronic goods |
時計 |
tokei |
clock |
腕時計 |
udetokei |
watch |
ランプ |
ranpu |
lamp |
冷凍庫 |
reitouko |
freezer |
オープン |
oopun |
oven |
炊飯器 |
suihanki |
rice cooker |
台所用品 |
daidokoroyouhin |
kitchenware |
車庫 |
shako |
garage |
洗面台 |
senmendai |
washstand |
風呂場 |
furoba |
bathroom |
ベランダ |
beranda |
balcony |
廊下 |
rouka |
corridor |
階段 |
kaidan |
stairs |
鍵 |
kagi |
key |
押入れ |
oshiire |
closed |
絨毯 |
juutan |
carpet |
洗濯ばさみ |
sentakubasami |
washing shears |
ハンガー |
hangaa |
hanger |
電気掃除機 |
denkisoujiki |
electric vacuum cleaner |
皿洗い機 |
saraaraiki |
dishwashing machine |
エアコン |
eakon |
air conditioning |
扇風機 |
senpuuki |
fan |
電灯 |
dentou |
electric light |
お皿 |
osara |
dish |
箸 |
hashi |
chopsticks |
コップ |
koppu |
glass |
カップ |
kappu |
cup |
フォーク |
fooku |
fork |
スプーン |
supuun |
spoon |
ナイフ |
naifu |
knife |
箒 |
houki |
broom |
ゴミ箱 |
gomibako |
garbage can |
Yeah, that was
the vocabulary list all about house and furniture (家や家具) I hope this post is useful to you, Ok, see you again in the next lesson guys, Cheerio, またあしたね(^.^)/~~~.
Posted by Riizhu
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