Japanese Vocabulaty List: House and Furniture (家や家具)

Hello everybody, welcome back, thank for being here, today, I am gonna share a vocabulary list all about house and furniture (家や家具) ^^, I think this vocabulary list is not difficult to memorize, because you will see these words every day or even everytime in your home(^_^.). Alright, the small talk is enough, let's have a look the vocabulary list:

Japanese Vocabulary: House And Furniture (家や家具)
Japanese Romaji English
uchi/ie house, home
台所/キチン daidokoro/kichin kitchen
居間 ima living room
和室 washitsu japanese style room
部屋 heya room
お風呂 ofuro bathroom
トイレ/お手洗い toire/otearai toilet
寝室/ベッドルーム shinshitsu/beddoruumu bedroom
天井 tenjou ceiling
屋根裏 yaneura attic
玄関 genkan entrance
ドア doa door
mado window
yuka floor
niwa garden
kabe wall
布団 futon futon
毛布 moufu blanket
tatami tatami/japanese straw floor covering
椅子 isu chair
tsukue desk
本棚 hondana bookshelf
家具 kagu furniture
洗濯機 sentakuki washing machine
電子レンジ denshirenji microwave
冷蔵庫 reizouko refrigerator
掃除機 soujiki vacuum cleaner
乾燥機 kansouki drier
makura pillow
抱き枕 dakimakura body pillow
テレビ terebi television
パソコン pasokon personal computer
戸棚 todana cupboard
kagami mirror
ラジオ rajio radio
流し nagashi sink
電話 denwa telephone
電気製品 denkiseihin electronic goods
時計 tokei clock
腕時計 udetokei watch
ランプ ranpu lamp
冷凍庫 reitouko freezer
オープン oopun oven
炊飯器 suihanki rice cooker
台所用品 daidokoroyouhin kitchenware
車庫 shako garage
洗面台 senmendai washstand
風呂場 furoba bathroom
ベランダ beranda balcony
廊下 rouka corridor
階段 kaidan stairs
kagi key
押入れ oshiire closed
絨毯 juutan carpet
洗濯ばさみ sentakubasami washing shears
ハンガー hangaa hanger
電気掃除機 denkisoujiki electric vacuum cleaner
皿洗い機 saraaraiki dishwashing machine
エアコン eakon air conditioning
扇風機 senpuuki fan
電灯 dentou electric light
お皿 osara dish
hashi chopsticks
コップ koppu glass
カップ kappu cup
フォーク fooku fork
スプーン supuun spoon
ナイフ naifu knife
houki broom
ゴミ箱 gomibako garbage can

Yeah, that was the vocabulary list all about house and furniture (家や家具) I hope this post is useful to you, Ok, see you again in the next lesson guys, Cheerio, またあしたね(^.^)/~~~.

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