Japanese Kanji Grade 4 List and Their Meanings

皆さんこんばんは。Mina-san konbanwa, good evening everybody^^, hehe, we have finished Japanese kanji grade 4 lesson, so, now we are going to review all kanji characters of Kanji grade 4. Are you ready to review Japanese kanji grade 4 lesson?, Oke let's review the lesson, I hope you still remember all these kanji characters^^.

Kanji Grade 4 List

Kanji Onyomi Kunyomi Meaning
kou - healty
koku tsu-geru report
sa sa-su difference
sai na vegetable
sai motto-mo most
zai - material
saku - yesterday
satsu fuda bill
satsu su-ru to print
satsu koro-su to kill
satsu - police
san mai-ru visit shrine
san u-mu, u-mareru be born
san chi-ru, chi-rasu to spread
zan noko-ru, noko-su remain
shi - warrior
shi uji surname
shi - history
shi tsukasado-ru govern
shi kokoro-miru, ta-mesu to try, to test
ji, ni - children
ji, chi osa-meru, nao-ru to govern
ji ya-meru to resign
shitsu ushina-u to lose
shaku ka-riru to borrow
shu tane seed
shuu mawa-ri surroundings
shuu, shuku iwa-u celebrate
jun - order
sho haji-me, hatsu first
shou matsu pine
shou wara-u, e-mu to laugh, to smile
shou tona-eru recite
shou ya-ku, ya-keru to bake
zou, shou - elephant, phenomenon
shou te-ru, te-rasu to shine
shou - award
shin, jin - minister
shin - believe, trust
sei, shou na-ru, na-rasu become
sei, shou habu-ku, kaeri-miru ministry
sei, shou kiyo-I, kiyo-miru clear
sei shizu-ka quite
seki - seat
seki tsu-mu, tsu-moru to collect
setsu o-ru to fold
setsu fushi section
setsu, zei toku theory
sen asa-i shallow
sen ikusa, tataka-u war, battle
sen era-bu to choose, to select
zen, nen - natural
sou araso-u to argue
sou kura warehouse
sou su nest
soku taba, taba-neru tie up
soku gawa side
zoku tsudzu-ku, tsudzu-keru continue
sotsu - college
son mago grandson
tai obi, obi-ru belt
tai - group
tatsu, tachi - we
tan - simple
chi o-ku to put
ai ito-shii love
an - draft
i - or less
i koromo clothing
i kurai, gurai position
i kako-mu, kako-u to enclose, to surround
i - stomach
in shirushi sign
ei - british
ei ha-eru, saka-eru glory
en shio salt
oku - one hundred million
ka kuwa-eru, kuwa-waru to add
ka kuda-mono, ha-tasu fruit
ka - goods
ka - counter for chapters
me ga bud, sprout
kai arata-meru to revise
kai - machinery
gai - harm
gai machi city
kaku onoono each
kaku obo-eru, sa-masu to remember
kan - perfect
kan - officer
kan kuda pipe, tube
kan seki, kaka-waru affect
kan mi-ru to watch
gan nega-u wish
ki - uncommon, unusual
ki - season
ki - era
ki yoroko-bu glad
ki hata flag
ki utsuwa vessel
ki hata machine
gi - discussion
kyuu moto-meru to seek
kyuu na-ku to cry
kyuu suku-u to rescue
kyuu - wage
gyo a-geru raise
gyo, ryou - fishing
kyou tomo with
kyou - cooperation
kyou kagami mirror
kyou, kei kiso-u, se-ru vie
kyoku, goku kiwa-meru pole, extreme
kun - intruction
gun - soldier
gun - army
kei - diameter
kei kata type
kei - seascape
gei - art
ketsu ka-ku, ka-keru lack of
ketsu musu-bu to tie
ken ta-teru, ta-tsu to build
ken suko-yaka vigorous
ken, gen - test
ko kata-meru, kata-i solid
kou, ku - success
kou kono-mu, su-ki like
kou sourou weather
kou - sail
chuu naka relationship
cho - savings
chou kiza-su, kiza-shi omen
chou - intestine
tei hiku-i low
tei soko bottom
tei - stopping
teki mato target
ten - ceremony
den tsuta-eru to tell
to - party, gang
do tsuto-meru endeavor
tou hi, aka-ri light
dou - chapel
dou hatara-ku to work
toku - special
toku e-ru to get, obtain, earn
doku - poison
netsu atsu-i hot
nen - idea
hai yabu-reru failure
bai ume plum
haku, haka - ektensive
han meshi meals
hi to-bu to fly
hi tsui-yasu to spend, cost
hitsu kanara-zu definitely, certainly
hyou - vote
hyou - target
fu, bu - not
fu, fuu otto husband
fu tsu-ku, tsu-keru to attach
fu - prefecture
fuku - deputy
fun ko, kona powder
hyou, hei - soldier
betsu waka-reru separate
hen ata-ri, be neighborhood
hen ka-eru, ka-waru to change
便 ben, bin tayo-ri convenience
hou tsutsu-mu to wrap
hou - law
bou, mou nozo-mu hope
boku maki plains
matsu, batsu sue end
man mi-chiru, mi-tasu be full
mi ma-da, ima-da yet
myaku - pulse
min tami people, nation
mu, bu na-i no, nothing
yaku - contract
yuu isa-mu, isa-mashii brave
you i-ru necessary
you yashina-u to cultivate
yoku a-biru bathe
ri ki-ku be effective
riku - land
ryou yo-i good
ryou - material, fee
ryou haka-ru quantity
rin wa wheel
rui - kind, genus
rei - command
rei tsume-tai, hi-eru, sa-meru cold
rei tato-eru example
reki - history
ren tsu-reru, tsura-naru to lead
rou o-iru, fu-keru old
rou - labour
roku - record

Yeah, that was all kanji characters of Kanji grade 4, make sure you still remember those kanji at least a half of them. In the next lesson, we will learning Kanji grade 5^^, so, please wait for the next lesson^^.

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