Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Traffic (交通)

Hello everyone, konbanwa, good evening^^ I've just back from university by motorcycle^^, all, do you can drive? Bdw have you driving license yet?^^, well today I am going to share a Japanese vocabulary list all about traffic (交通), Okey, Let's start and happy studying:

Japanese Vocabulary List: Traffic (交通)
Kanji Romaji English
車/自動車 kuruma/jidousha car
電車 densha train
新幹線 shinkansen shinkansen
バイク baiku bike
自転車 jitensha bicycle
交通 koutsuu traffic
道路 douro road
歩道 hodou sidewalk
車道 shadou roadway
通り toori street
通行 tsuukou passage
速度道路 sokudo douro speed road
交差点 kousaten intersection
横断歩道 oodanhodou crosswalk
歩道橋 hodoukyou footbridge
tsuno corner
信号 shingou traffic light
saka slope/hill
踏み切り fumikiri railway crossing
ガソリンスタンド gasorinsutando gas station
止まれ tomare stop
交通事故 koutsuujiko traffic accident
免許証 menkyoshou license (driving)
トラック torakku truck
バス basu bus
タクシー takushii taxi
バス停 basutei bus stop
青信号 aoshingou light green color
赤信号 akashingou red signal
eki station
運転手 untenshu driver
運転する untensuru drive
曲がる magaru to turn
まっすぐ massugu go straight
歩行者 hokousha pedestrian
駐車場 chuushajou parking place
車両/乗り物 sharyou/norimono vehicles

See also other vocabulary list: Japanese Vocabulary List: Space (宇宙) and Japanese Vocabulary List: Occuppation/Profession (職業)

Alright, that was the Japanese vocabulary list : traffic (交通), the lesson is finished, see you again in the next posts, take care.

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2 Responses to "Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Traffic (交通)"

  1. Great Blog! Thanks for providing this blog, the blog is easy to understand and very informative.

  2. Nice, but please give hiragana spellings also


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