Japanese Vocabulary List: Occupation/Profession (職業)

Hello there everybody welcome back to Japanese Learning Online blog, a blog for everyone who want to learn Japanese for free, Today I will also share a Japanese vocabulary list, and the category for today is occupation/profession (職業).
shigoto wa nandesu ka
What is your occupation
shourai nani ni naritai desu ka
What would you like to be in the future
Here is the occupation/profession vocabulary list in Japanese language:

Japanese Vocabulary List: Occupation/Profession (Shokugyou)
Japanese Romaji English
管理者 kanrisha administrator
大統領 daitouryou president
検事 kenji prosecutor
技師 gishi technician
講師 koushi instructor
画家 gaka painter
漫画家 mangaka cartoonist
運転手 untenshu driver
歌手 kashu singer
シェフ shefu chef
医者 isha doctor
歯医者/歯科医 haisha/shikai dentist
眼科医 gankai ophthalmologist
看護婦 kangopu nurse
秘書 hisho secretary
職人 shokunin craftsman
芸術家 geijutsuka artist
訳者 yakusha translator
星占い師 hoshiuranaishi 5 fortune teller
宇宙飛行士 uchuuhikoushi astronaut
選手 senshu athlete
ピエロ piero clown
会計 kaikei treasurer
助産婦 josanpu midwife
建築業者 kenchikugyousha construction laborers
作曲者 sakkyokusha composer
刑事 keiji detective
外科医 gekai surgeon
獣医 juui veterinarian
科学者 kagakusha scientists
教師 kyoushi teacher
ビジネスマン bijinesuman businessman
支配人 shihainin manager
大臣 daijin minister
自動車整備士 jidousha seibishi mechanic
船長 senchou ship's captain
鍛冶屋 kajiya smith
船乗り funanori sailor
召使 meshitsukai menial
案内人 annainin guide
司会者 shikaisha emcee
コメディアン komedian comedian
木こり kikori woodcutter
研究者 kenkyuusha researcher
養育係 youikugakari child support engageme
踊り子 odoriko dancer
護衛 goei escort
保母 hobo kindergarten teacher
葬儀屋 sougiya undertaker
沿岸警備退院 engankeibitaiin coastal security discharge
小説家 shousetsuka novelist
首相 shushou prime minister
警官 keikan police
婦人警官 fujinkeikan women's police officers
政治家 seijika politician
心理学者 shinrigakusha psychologist
社会学者 shakaigakusha sociologist
責任者 sekininsha person in charge
技術者 gijutsusha engineer
警備 keibi security
パイロット pairotto pilot
農民 noumin farmers
ピアニスト pianisuto pianist
ミュウジシャン myuujishan musician
郵便配達人 yuubinhaitatsunin mail delivery human
写真家 shashinka photographer
新聞記者 shinbunkisha newspaper reporter
れポター repotaa reporter
労働者 roudousha worker/laborers
裁判官 saibankan judge
モデル moderu model
教授 kyouju professor
漁師 ryoushi fisherman
生徒 seito student
社長 shachou director/company president
消防士 shouboushi firefighter
商人 shounin merchant/trader
企業家 kigyouka entrepreneur
建築家 kenchikuka architect
銀行員 ginkouin banker
社員 shain company employee
弁護士 bengoshi lawyer
主婦 shufu housewife
店員 ten'in clerk
男優 dan'yuu actor
女優 joyuu actress
用務員 youmuin janitor
庭師 niwashi gardener
理髪師 rihatsushi barber
兵隊 heitai soldier
料理人 ryourinin cook
著者 chosha author
公務員 koumuin civil servant
牧師 bokushi pastor
デザイナー dezainaa designer
大学生 daigakusei college student

The answer:
(occupation)をしています=I work/I am working as....
(ambition)になりたいです= I want to be a.....

Also read: Japanese Conjunction ~no ni and Japanese Conjunction ~te mo

Well, is there your occupation/profession in that vocabulary list?^^, may I know what is your occupation/profession? Tell me in the comment form^^ hihi, jaa mata aou ne minna^^.

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2 Responses to "Japanese Vocabulary List: Occupation/Profession (職業)"

  1. Hello! I was wondering how you would say, Youtuber in Japanese. Or someone that vlogs and makes videos. Also what if you have 3 jobs at once. For example, I am a Youtuber, Professor, and a designer. Thank you in advance! ありがとうございます。


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