Assalamualaikum, mina-san ohayou gozaimasu, good morning students, are you ready for learning Japanese today?^^, ok, let's learn Japanese language, the lesson today is vocabulary list, and the category is
space (宇宙).
Japanese Vocabulary List: Space (宇宙) |
Bahasa Jepang |
Romaji |
English |
宇宙 |
uchuu |
universe/space |
宇宙人 |
uchuujin |
alien |
宇宙飛行士 |
uchuuhikoushi |
astronaut |
宇宙空間 |
uchuukuukan |
void of space |
宇宙船 |
uchuusen |
spacecraft |
宇宙服 |
uchuufuku |
space suit |
彗星 |
suisei |
comet |
惑星 |
wakusei |
planet |
小惑星 |
shouwakusei |
asteroid |
星 |
hoshi |
star |
流星 |
ryuusei |
meteor |
流星群 |
ryuuseigun |
meteor shower |
月 |
tsuki |
moon |
太陽 |
taiyou |
sun |
太陽系 |
taiyoukei |
solar system |
大気 |
taiki |
atmosphere |
重力 |
juuryoku |
gravity |
銀河/銀河系 |
ginga/gingakei |
galaxy |
軌道 |
kidou |
orbit |
衛星 |
eisei |
satellite |
人工衛星 |
jinkoueisei |
man-made satellite |
望遠鏡 |
bouenkyou |
telescope |
食 |
shoku |
eclipse |
日食 |
nisshoku |
solar eclipse |
月食 |
gesshoku |
lunar eclipse |
隕石 |
inseki |
meteoroid |
光年 |
kounen |
light year |
星座 |
seiza |
constellation |
水星 |
suisei |
mercury |
金星 |
kinsei |
venus |
地球 |
chikyuu |
earth |
火星 |
kasei |
mars |
木星 |
mokusei |
jupiter |
土星 |
dosei |
saturn |
天王星 |
tennousei |
uranus |
海王星 |
kaiousei |
neptune |
冥王星 |
meiousei |
pluto |
恒星 |
kousei |
star (planet) |
ブラックホール |
burakku hooru |
black hole |
天の川 |
ama no gawa |
milky way |
至点 |
shiten |
solstice |
Other vocabulary list:
Japanese Vocabulary List: Places and Buildings (場所や建物)
That was
Japanese vocabulary list: space (宇宙), I hope this vocabulary list useful. Ok, I will see you again soon in the next lesson, mata ato de.
Posted by Riizhu
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