Japanese Vocabulary List: Space (宇宙)

Assalamualaikum, mina-san ohayou gozaimasu, good morning students, are you ready for learning Japanese today?^^, ok, let's learn Japanese language, the lesson today is vocabulary list, and the category is space (宇宙).

Japanese Vocabulary List: Space (宇宙)
Bahasa Jepang Romaji English
宇宙 uchuu universe/space
宇宙人 uchuujin alien
宇宙飛行士 uchuuhikoushi astronaut
宇宙空間 uchuukuukan void of space
宇宙船 uchuusen spacecraft
宇宙服 uchuufuku space suit
彗星 suisei comet
惑星 wakusei planet
小惑星 shouwakusei asteroid
hoshi star
流星 ryuusei meteor
流星群 ryuuseigun meteor shower
tsuki moon
太陽 taiyou sun
太陽系 taiyoukei solar system
大気 taiki atmosphere
重力 juuryoku gravity
銀河/銀河系 ginga/gingakei galaxy
軌道 kidou orbit
衛星 eisei satellite
人工衛星 jinkoueisei man-made satellite
望遠鏡 bouenkyou telescope
shoku eclipse
日食 nisshoku solar eclipse
月食 gesshoku lunar eclipse
隕石 inseki meteoroid
光年 kounen light year
星座 seiza constellation
水星 suisei mercury
金星 kinsei venus
地球 chikyuu earth
火星 kasei mars
木星 mokusei jupiter
土星 dosei saturn
天王星 tennousei uranus
海王星 kaiousei neptune
冥王星 meiousei pluto
恒星 kousei star (planet)
ブラックホール burakku hooru black hole
天の川 ama no gawa milky way
至点 shiten solstice

Other vocabulary list: Japanese Vocabulary List: Places and Buildings (場所や建物)

That was Japanese vocabulary list: space (宇宙), I hope this vocabulary list useful. Ok, I will see you again soon in the next lesson, mata ato de.

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