Total : 210 Articles
Japanese Grammar Lesson: ~te oku (~ておく)
Youkoso mina-san, welcome everyone, we learned about ~te aru grammar yesterday, and today in this time post, we are going to learn about ~te oku grammar^^, are you ready to learn, learners? saa, benkyou hajimeyou !(^o^)! tanoshinde ik…Japanese Grammar Lesson: ~te aru (~てある)
こんばんわぁー!(^o^)! Good evening learners, what's up? Let's learn Japanese language. 今回の文法は〜てあるです, today's grammar is ~te aru, I think this grammar is a little bit difficult to understand, but I hope you understand this my brief explanatio…What Does "Moshi" Mean in Japanese Language
Hy everyone, welcome to my blog, pleasure to meet you guys, ok, in this post, let's learn about the meaning and use of moshi (もし). The meaning of moshi is "if", yeah, just "if", but there is a rule you must know, if you use moshi, you…Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Traffic (交通)
Hello everyone, konbanwa, good evening^^ I've just back from university by motorcycle^^, all, do you can drive? Bdw have you driving license yet?^^, well today I am going to share a Japanese vocabulary list all about traffic (交通), Oke…Japanese Vocabulary List: Occupation/Profession (職業)
Hello there everybody welcome back to Japanese Learning Online blog, a blog for everyone who want to learn Japanese for free, Today I will also share a Japanese vocabulary list, and the category for today is occupation/profession (職業)…Japanese Vocabulary List: Space (宇宙)
Assalamualaikum, mina-san ohayou gozaimasu, good morning students, are you ready for learning Japanese today?^^, ok, let's learn Japanese language, the lesson today is vocabulary list, and the category is space (宇宙). Japa…Japanese Vocabulary Lesson: Places and Buildings (場所や建物)
Assalamualaikum learners(^_^)/, welcome back to, an ordinary blog to learn Japanese with brief and to the point explanation^^, Well, let's to the point. Today, I am gonna share a vocabulary l…Japanese Conjunction Lesson: ~no ni (~のに)
As I promised yesterday, Today I am going to teach about ~no ni (~のに) a Japanese conjunction which means "despite the fact, although or even though", this conjunction is very similar to ~te mo conjunction that we learned yesterday. のに…Japanese Conjunction Lesson: ~te mo (~ても)
皆さん、こんにちは、Welcome again to your free Japanese lesson, with me riizhu. The lesson today is Japanese conjunction: ~te mo (~ても) which means "though, although or even if" ても (temo) grammar is used to indicate a reverse condition. It's use…Japanese Language Vocabulary List: All About Film (映画)
皆さんこんばんは、JLOにようこそ、今回の授業は単語です。 Mina-san konnichiwa, JLO ni youkoso, konkai no jugyou wa tango desu. Hey everyone welcome to JLO, the lesson today is vocabulary lesson, and the category for this post is all about film (映画). Maybe you li…Japanese Vocabulary Lesson: Zodiac, Chinese Zodiac and Japanese Old Month
Mina-san JLO (Japanese Learning Online) burogu ni youkoso!, welcome to Japanese Learning Online blog, let's learn and have fun with free Japanese lessons here, !(^o^)!. Today's lesson is learning Japanese Vocabulary and today's catego…Japanese Vocabulary List: Facebook in Japanese Language
Hello there, ni youkoso^^ do you have a Facebook account? What is your facebook language? Don't you get bored always using Facebook in English? don't you wanna try Facebook in Japanese langua…Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Shopping (買い物)
Hi there everyone, do you like shopping, I am sure there are some learners here who like shopping aren't there?, So, I decided post a vocabulary list: all about shopping (買い物), Well, please remember and memorize these vocabularies wel…Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Family (家族)
Doumo mina-san, riizhu desu !(^o^)!, hello there everyone, welcome back to with me riizhu let's learn Japanese vocabulary about family (家族). By the way, do you have siblings?. I have 2 siste…Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Cooking (料理)
Ohayou gozaimasu^^ have you had breakfast, learners? and what was your menu? Did you cook it by yourself? Do you like cooking?^^ If you like cooking, maybe this vocabulary list is useful for you^^, well today's category is all about c…Japanese Grammar ~cha and ~nakucha (~ちゃ/~ちゃなくちゃ)
Doumo, what's up^^ guys, with me riizhu let's learn Japanese language online here^^, the lesson today is still about prohibition and obligation, today I am going to share abbreviated versions of prohibition grammar. As usual, let's to…Japanese Grammar ~nakucha, ~nakya (~なくちゃ、~なきゃ)
This is the abbreviated versions of grammar for obligation ~nakute wa dame/ikenai/naranai and ~nakereba naranai. These abbreviations only used in colloquial language. Grammar ~nakucha (~なくちゃ) JLPT Level: - Meaning: must, have to (ob…Japanese Vocabulary List: Transitive Verb / Tadoushi (他動詞)
Because I shared a vocabulary list: Intransitive verb/Jidoushi yesterday, so today, I am gonna share a vocabulary list: Transitive verb/Tadoushi (他動詞). Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. And …Japanese Vocabulary List: Intransitive Verb / Jidoushi (自動詞)
Same with English, Verb in Japanese also divided into two types transitive verb and intransitive verb. Transitive verb called Tadoushi (他動詞) where as Intransitive verb called Jidoushi (自動詞). And today, in this article I am going to sh…Various Grammars for Obligation in Japanese Language
We learned about grammar for obligation yesterday, but there are some other various ways in obligation using conditional ~nakereba narimasen and ~nai to ikenai/dame. Today, we will learn ~nakereba narimasen and ~nai to dame/ikenai^^, …Japanese Grammar for Obligation ~nakute wa ikenai/naranai/dame (~なくてはいけない/ならない/だめ)
Hello, we meet again, with me riizhu^^, let's learn Japanese language online, we learned prohibition grammar in Japanese yesterday, and today we are going to learn a grammar for obligation in Japanese language. Maybe some of learners…Japanese Grammar for Prohibition ~te wa ikenai/naranai/dame (~てはいけない/ならない/だめ)
Doumo mina-san, JLO (Japanese Learning Online) ni youkoso, welcome to JLO, let's learn Japanese language online^^)/, in this section I am going to teach you how to make prohibition in Japanese language using ~te wa ikenai/naranai/dame…Plain Command Form (Imperative Form) in Japanese Language
Yow, yow, doumo mina-san, riizhu desu, maybe you will never use or (I hope you never) hear this imperative form in real world but surely you will hear this imperative if you watching anime, film and dorama^^, so I think this grammar a…Japanese Grammar ~nasai (~なさい)
Ohassuuuuu minna(^m^) goodo mooningu, werukomu to Japanezu Reaningu onrain, hehe^^ welcome to Japanese learning online, Ok, the lesson today is Japanese grammar ~nasai (~なさい), It is a soft yet firm way of issuing a command., usually u…Japanese Grammar ~te choudai (~てちょうだい)
Yow, riizhu desu, let's learn Japanese language together^^, konkai no jugyou wa ~te choudai (~てちょうだい) desu, hmm, there's no new grammar rule here, It's just feminine version of ~te kudasai (~てください), so the meaning and the use just lik…Japanese Vocabulary List: Love and Friendship (愛と友情)
Konnichiwa learners^^, how are you learners? Fine? I hope so, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? And certainly you have friends of course, right? Well, today I am gonna share a Japanese vocabulary list about Love and Friendship^^, ma…Japanese Particle Lesson: toka Particle Vague Listing Particle (とか)
As I said yesterday, in this post we are going to discuss about とか toka particle. This とか particle is very similar even I think same with や particle we learned before. とか also has the same meaning as や but is a slightly more col…Japanese Particle Lesson: ya Particle Means And (や)
Wai(^_^)/ hello learners, glad to see you again, how are you all? I think you alright and ready to learn a new particle lesson today, don't you? Jaa kyou no joshi wa や desu, the particle today is や, や particle is similar to と particle…Japanese Particle Lesson: to Particle Means And and With (と)
Yow, doumo, riizhu desu^^, saa, kyou watashitachi wa joshi o benkyou shimasu, we are learning Japanese particle today, and here is the to particle lesson, don't confused with と as quotation particle and conditional particle Ok?.Learn …Japanese Kanji Grade 6 List and Their Meanings
Mina-san konbanwa, good evening everyone, glad to see again learners, this time we will go over the all characters of Kanji grade 6, maybe there are 180 characters in kanji grade 6, I hope you remember at least a half of them^^ if not…
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