Japanese Vocabulary Lesson: Zodiac, Chinese Zodiac and Japanese Old Month

Mina-san JLO (Japanese Learning Online) burogu ni youkoso!, welcome to Japanese Learning Online blog, let's learn and have fun with free Japanese lessons here, !(^o^)!. Today's lesson is learning Japanese Vocabulary and today's category is the names of zodiac, Chinese zodiac and old months in Japanese language. As usual needn't much small talk, let's to the point^^, here are the vocabulary list about zodiac, chinese zodiac and old month.

Zodiac Vocabulary List
Kanji Romaji Meaning
星占い hoshiuranai horoscope
星座 seiza constellation
射手座 iteza sagitarius
蟹座 kaniza cencer
水瓶座 mizugameza aquarius
牡羊座 ohitsujiza aries
牡牛座 oushiza taurus
乙女座 otomeza virgo
獅子座 shishiza leo
天秤座 tenbinza libra
魚座 uoza pisces
山羊座 yagiza capricorn
双子座 futagoza gemini
蠍座 sasoriza scorpio

Chinese Zodiac Vocabulary List
Kanji Romaji Meaning
十二支 juunishi chinese zodiac
蛇年 hebidoshi snake year
羊年 hitsujidoshi sheep year
猪年 inoshishidoshi pig year
犬年 inudoshi dog year
鼠年 nezumidoshi rat year
猿年 sarudoshi monkey year
竜年 tatsudoshi dragon year
虎年 toradoshi tiger year
鳥年 toridoshi rooster year
馬年 umadoshi horse year
兎年 usagidoshi rabbit year
牛年 ushidoshi ox year

Japanese Old Month Vocabulary List
Kanji Romaji English
睦月 mutsuki january
如月 kisaragi february
弥生 yayoi march
卯月 udzuki april
皐月 satsuki may
水無月 minadzuki june
文月 fumidzuki july
葉月 hadzuki august
長月 nagatsuki september
神無月 kannadzuki october
霜月 shimotsuki november
師走 shiwasu december

Also read: Japanese Vocabulary List: Facebook in Japanese Language

Enough for today, I will share other categories next time^^, so, don't forget to visit this blog again, Ok, see you next time, take care all.

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1 Response to "Japanese Vocabulary Lesson: Zodiac, Chinese Zodiac and Japanese Old Month"

  1. Hello,

    That's great..Easy to understand stuff, Thanks for sharing this lesson.

    Visit- https://www.yomuzoku.com/ to Build vocabulary with Japanese


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