Japanese Verbs Negative Form Conjugation

Konbanwa mina-san^^ hello Japanese learners, this is riizhu, in this lesson we are going to learn basic Japanese grammar about how to conjugate a verb into negative form, negative form in Japanese always end by nai, hence negative form is also called naikei (nai  form) in Japanese. Shall we start the lesson? Ok, let's start.

To conjugate a verb into negative form, firstly you have to know the group of the verb, we've learnt about Japanese verb groups in an older post. If you have not learnt yet, or forgotten, you can learn again by click below link to the lesson:
If you've known about the Japanese verb groups and can identify the verb, we can continue the lesson.

To conjugate group 1 verbs (godan doushi) into negative form:  just replace the final ~u of verb to ~nai, but for if verb ending is vowel u, replace ~u with wanai, and if verb ending is ~tsu, replace ~tsu with tanai. Example:
買う ー 買わない
kau - kawanai
to buy - to not buy
分かる ー 分からない
wakaru - wakaranai
to understand - to not understand
話す ー 話さない
hanasu - hanasanai
to speak - to not speak
書く ー 書かない
kaku - kakanai
to write - to not write
泳ぐ ー 泳がない
oyogu - oyoganai
to swim - to not swim
死ぬ ー 死なない
shinu - shinanai
to die - to not die
飲む ー 飲まない
nomu - nomanai
to drink - to not drink
飛ぶ ー 飛ばない
tobu - tobanai
to fly - to not fly
勝つ ー 勝たない
katsu - katanai
to win - to not win
watashi wa nihongo de hanasanai
I don't speak in Japanese
watashi wa zenzen wakaranai
I don't understand at all

To conjugate group 2 verbs (ichidan doushi) into negative form: simple, just replace ~ru to ~nai. Example:
食べる ー 食べない
taberu - tabenai
to eat - to not eat
見る ー 見ない
miru - minai
to see - to not see
比べる ー 比べない
kuraberu - kurabenai
to compare - to not compare
逃げる ー 逃げない
nigeru - nigenai
to escape - to not escape
借りる ー 借りない
kariru - karinai
to borrow - to not borrow
出来る ー 出来ない
dekiru - dekinai
can - cannot
nihongo ga dekinai
I can't (speak) Japanese
sushi ga tabenai
I don't eat sushi

To conjugate group 3 verbs (fukisoku doushi) into negative form: only there are 2 verbs in this group i.e. suru and kuru. suru become shinai and kuru become konai in negative form.
する ー しない
suru - shinai
to do - to not do
来る ー 来ない
kuru - konai
to come - to not come
supeingo ga benkyou shinai
I don't learn Spanish
kanojo wa patii ni konai
She doesn't come to the party

Yeah, we finished our grammar lesson for today^^, the lesson is really easy, isn't it? I am sure you can learn it quickly, and I hope we can learn this basic japanese grammar permanently^^. Ok, we're done with today's lesson. Jaa mata ashita ne, see you tomorrow(^m^;).

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