Learn Japanese Kanji 28 (究急級宮球去橋業曲局)

こんばんわぁー(^O^;), good evening everybody, today, we're going to learn 10 Japanese Kanji of Kanji Grade 3 in this post, だから、覚悟しろ, Ok, prepare yourself, we will begin the lesson, the 10 Kanji we will learn are 究、急、級、宮、球、去、橋、業、曲 and 局, jaa hajimeyou ka, shall we begin now? Ok, please read below notice and let's begin^^:

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 究

meaning : investigate
kunyomi : kiwa-meru
onyomi : kyuu
stroke : 7
kotoba : 研究=kenkyuu=research、研究者=kenkyuusha=researcher、究明=kyuumei=investigation、究める=kiwameru=to investigate
kanji investigate

2. 急

meaning : hurry
kunyomi : iso-gu, se-kasu
onyomi : kyuu
stroke : 9
kotoba : 急ぐ=isogu=to hurry、救急車=kyuukyuusha=ambulance、急行=kyuukou=express、急所=kyuusho=vitals
kanji hurry

3. 級

meaning : class
kunyomi : -
onyomi : kyuu
stroke : 9
kotoba : 初級=shokyuu=elementary level、中級=chuukyuu=intermediate level、高級=koukyuu=high level、級友=kyuuyuu=classmate
kanji class

4. 宮

meaning : shinto shrine
kunyomi : miya
onyomi : kyuu,guu
stroke : 10
kotoba : 宮参り=miyamairi=shrine visit、迷宮=meikyuu=labyrinth、神宮=jinguu=shinto shrine
kanji shinto shrine

5. 球

meaning : ball
kunyomi : tama
onyomi : kyuu
stroke : 11
kotoba : 地球=chikyuu=earth、野球=yakyuu=baseball、卓球=takkyuu=table tennis、電球=denkyuu=bulb
kanji ball

6. 去

meaning : leave
kunyomi : sa-ru
onyomi : kyo,ko
stroke : 5
kotoba : 過去=kako=past、去年=kyonen=last year、去る=saru=leave
kanji leave

7. 橋

meaning : bridge
kunyomi : hashi
onyomi : kyou
stroke : 16
kotoba : 石橋=ishibashi=stone bridge、日本橋=nihonbashi=nihonbashi bridge、歩道橋=hodoukyou=footbridge、橋=hashi=bridge
kanji bridge

8. 業

meaning : business
kunyomi : waza
onyomi : gyou,gou
stroke : 13
kotoba : 残業=zangyou=overtime、卒業=sotsugyou=graduation、農業=nougyou=agriculture
kanji business

9. 曲

meaning : to curve/bend, composition
kunyomi : ma-garu, ma-geru
onyomi : kyoku
stroke : 6
kotoba : 作曲=sakkyoku=composition (music)、曲げる=mageru=to curve/bend、曲がる=magaru=be bend、交響曲=koukyoukyoku=symphony
kanji curve, bend

10. 局

meaning : bureau
kunyomi : -
onyomi : kyoku
stroke : 7
kotoba : 局面=kyokumen=situation、薬局=yakkyoku=pharmacy、郵便局=yuubinkyoku=post office
kanji bureau

Yeah we finished our lesson for today^^, So our Kanji collection 10 more increased^^ ureshii deshou, Ok, we will continue the Japanese lesson tomorrow. See you tomorrow guys^^ jaa yasuminasai, goodnight, have a nice dream.

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