Learn Japanese Kanji Lesson Chapter 54 (束側続卒孫帯隊達単置)

皆さん今晩は、今日の授業は漢字の勉強です^^。Hello learners^^, good evening and welcome back to this blog, today, we are going to continue to learn Japanese kanji lesson^^, are you ready guys? Ok, let's start the Japanese Kanji lesson chapter 54, and don't forget to read the notice below first:

Caution :
  • To be more effective, take a note and a pen and write down the stroke of Kanji correctly.
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write the vertical line from top to bottom.
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 束

meaning : bundle
kunyomi : taba, taba-neru
onyomi : soku
stroke : 7
kotoba : 束ねる=tabaneru=to tie up in a bundle、約束=yakusoku=promise
kanji bundle

2. 側

meaning : side
kunyomi : gawa
onyomi : soku
stroke : 11
kotoba : 左側=hidarigawa=left side、内側=uchigawa=inside
kanji side

3. 続

meaning : to continue
kunyomi : tsudzu-ku, tsudzu-keru
onyomi : zoku
stroke : 13
kotoba : 続ける=tsudzukeru=to continue、連続=renzoku=continuity
kanji continue

4. 卒

meaning : college
kunyomi : -
onyomi : sotsu
stroke : 8
kotoba : 卒業=sotsugyou=graduation
kanji college

5. 孫

meaning : grandson/granchild
kunyomi : mago
onyomi : son
stroke : 10
kotoba : 初孫=hatsumago=first grandchild、子孫=shison=descendants
kanji grandson/grandchild

6. 帯

meaning : belt
kunyomi : obi, obi-ru
onyomi : tai
stroke : 10
kotoba : 帯=obi=belt、携帯電話=keitai denwa=handphone
kanji belt

7. 隊

meaning : corps
kunyomi : -
onyomi : tai
stroke : 12
kotoba : 軍隊=guntai=army、隊長=taichou=captain
kanji corsp

8. 達

meaning : we
kunyomi : -
onyomi : tatsu, tachi
stroke : 12
kotoba : 達人=tatsujin=master、僕達=bokutachi=we/us
kanji we

9. 単

meaning : simple
kunyomi : -
onyomi : tan
stroke : 9
kotoba : 簡単=kantan=simple、単純=tanjun=simplicity
kanji simple 

10. 置

meaning : to put
kunyomi : o-ku
onyomi : chi
stroke : 13
kotoba : 置く=oku=to put、位置=ichi=position
kanji to put

That was the Kanji lesson for today^^, did you enjoyed the kanji lesson, till then I will see you in the next lesson, take care guys.

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