Learn Japanese Kanji Lesson Chapter 60 (約勇要養浴利陸良料量)

漢字の時間, Kanji time!^^, Yeah, kanji no jikan desu, today, we will learn Japanese Kanji Lesson chaptor 60, so that today, we will have learnt about 600 Kanji Characters^^, warukunai ne?^^ Ok, let's begin, let's Learn Japanese Kanji Lesson chapter 60:

Pay Attention :
  • If you want more effective, take a note and a pen and write down the stroke of Kanji correctly.
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write the vertical line from top to bottom.
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

    1. 約

    meaning : contract
    kunyomi : -
    onyomi : yaku
    stroke : 9
    kotoba : 契約=keiyaku=contract、約束=yakusoku=promise
    kanji contract

    2. 勇

    meaning : brave
    kunyomi : isa-mu, isa-mashii
    onyomi : yuu
    stroke : 9
    kotoba : 勇む=isamu=brave、勇気=yuuki=courage
    kanji brave

    3. 要

    meaning : need, necessary
    kunyomi : i-ru
    onyomi : you
    stroke : 9
    kotoba : 要約=youyaku=summary、要る=iru=to need
    kanji need, necessary

    4. 養

    meaning : look after, nurture
    kunyomi : yashina-u
    onyomi : you
    stroke : 15
    kotoba : 養う=yashinau=to feed, to look after、養子=youshi=adoptee
    kanji to feed, to look after

    5. 浴

    meaning : bathe
    kunyomi : a-biru
    onyomi : yoku
    stroke : 10
    kotoba : 浴びる=abiru=bathe、入浴=nyuuyoku=bathing
    kanji bathe

    6. 利

    meaning : be effective
    kunyomi : ki-ku
    onyomi : ri
    stroke : 7
    kotoba : 利く=kiku=be effective、便利=benri=convenient
    kanji be effective

    7. 陸

    meaning : land
    kunyomi : -
    onyomi : riku
    stroke : 11
    kotoba : 着陸=chakuriku=landing、大陸=tairiku=continent
    kanji land

    8. 良

    meaning : good
    kunyomi : yo-i
    onyomi : ryou
    stroke : 7
    kotoba : 不良=furyou=delinquent、良い=yoi=good
    kanji good

    9. 料

    meaning : material, fee
    kunyomi : -
    onyomi : ryou
    stroke : 10
    kotoba : 料理=ryouri=cooking, cuisine、給料=kyuuryou=salary
    kanji material, fee

    10. 量

    meaning : quantity
    kunyomi : haka-ru
    onyomi : ryou
    stroke : 12
    kotoba : 大量=tairyou=mass
    kanji quantity

    Ok, the Kanji lesson chapter 60 finished, we will learn the same kanji lesson next time^^, only remain 1 class to ended Kanji Grade 4 Lesson^^, Ganbare minna, jaa mata ashita ne minna^^)/

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