Japanese Contextual Conditional Form: nara / naraba (なら / ならば)

Mina-san, ohayou gozaimasu, thanks for being here again, and as I promised yesterday, today, I'm going to share the last conditional form nara / naraba なら / ならば, Ok, let's start the lesson:

Grammar nara / naraba (なら / ならば)

JLPT Level: N4
Meaning: If..
Explanation: This conditional is used to describe something in a given context. You would use it for saying things like, "If that's what you are talking about..." or "If that's the case, then..."
Formula: sentence 1 + nara / naraba + sentence 2
Sentence example:
suki naraba suki da to iou
If you like, let's say like
sensei wa doko desu ka
Where is sensei
sensei nara asoko desu
If you're referring to sensei, he/she is over there
忙しくないなら 、どうして会えないの?
isogashii nara, doushite aenai no?
If you're not busy, why can't you meet me?
minna ga ikitakunai to iu nara watashi mo ikanai
If everybody is saying they don't want to go, I won't go as well

Read also: Japanese Natural Conditional Form: ~to / ~da to (~と / だと~)

Alright, finally we finished and learned all four ways to say conditional form in Japanese, using ba, tara, to and nara^^, well, let's learn other Japanese lessons later, see you later guys jaa mata ne.

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3 Responses to "Japanese Contextual Conditional Form: nara / naraba (なら / ならば)"

  1. When do you say "naraba" instead of "nara"?

    1. Use naraba instead of nara when you want your sentence sounds more formal

  2. わかりました、ありがとうごうざます!


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