Japanese Conjunction Lesson: ~te mo (~ても)

皆さん、こんにちは、Welcome again to your free Japanese lesson, with me riizhu. The lesson today is Japanese conjunction: ~te mo (~ても) which means "though, although or even if" ても (temo) grammar is used to indicate a reverse condition. It's used when an action which is expected to be taken or an event which is expected to happen naturally under the given circumstances does not materialize or a thing turns out in a way opposite to a socially accepted idea. Ok, let's start to learn:

sentence 1 + te mo + sentence 2
Note: the ending of sentence 1 must be conjugated to te-form
For Verb: change the verb into te-form or negative te-form plus + も
For I-adjective and negative noun/adjective: drop い ending and attach くて + も
For Noun and Na-adjective: Just attach で も
Sentence example:
お金が 持っても そのスマートポンを買いたくない
okane ga motte mo sono sumaatopon o kaitakunai
Though I have money, but I don't want to buy that smartphone
勉強しなくても 確かに合格します
benkyou shinakute mo tashika ni goukaku shimasu
Even if (I) don't study, but (I) will pass certainly
苦くても とても好きです
nigakute mo totemo suki desu
I like it, though the taste is better
病気でも 学校に行きます
byouki de mo gakkou ni ikimasu
Even if I am sick, I will go to school
Armin Arlet Quote
shindemo ashidematoi niwa naranai yo
I’d rather die than become a burden #Armin

Other grammar lesson: Japanese Grammar ~cha, ~nakucha (~ちゃ、~なくちゃ)

Dou deshita ka minna? wakarimashita ka?^^ kitto wakarimashita ne. ashita wa no ni nitsuite no bunpou desu, kono bunpou to niru bunpou desu, jaa mata ashita ne, minna, genki ni ite kudasai ne(^.^)/~~~.

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