Japanese Conjunction Lesson: ~no ni (~のに)

As I promised yesterday, Today I am going to teach about ~no ni (~のに) a Japanese conjunction which means "despite the fact, although or even though", this conjunction is very similar to ~te mo conjunction that we learned yesterday. のに (noni) is used when what is stated in the second sentence runs against to what is expected from the first sentence. The second sentence carries the implication of unexpectedness or dissatisfaction and it's often used for complaint. Let's begin the today's lesson:

Formula :
sentence 1 + no ni + sentence 2
Note: If the end of sentence 1 is:
Verb: change to ta-form/past tense verb and then attach のに. Example:
食べる - 食べたのに
taberu - tabeta no ni
飲む - 飲んだのに
nomu - noda no ni
I-adjective: Just attach のに、or change into past tense and then attach のに. Example:
白い - 白いのに
shiroi - shiroi no ni
黒い - 黒かったのに
kuroi - kurokatta no ni
Noun and Na-adjective: Attach な/だった and then attach のに. Example:
有名 - 有名だったのに
yuumei - yuumei datta no ni
きれい - きれいなのに
kirei - kirei na no ni

Sentence Example :
頑張ったのに 負けちゃった
ganbatta no ni makechatta
Although I did my best, but I (still) lost
父はせが低いのに 私は高い
chichi wa se ga hikui no ni watashi wa takai
Even though my dad is short but I am tall
早かったのに 遅れてしまった
hayakatta no ni okurete shimatta
Though being early, but I am still late
彼は豊かなのに ケチな人だ
kare wa yutaka na no ni kechi na hido da
Even though he is rich, but he is a stingy person
watashi ga kirai datta no ni watashi wa zutto kanojo ga suki desu yo
Even though she hates me but I always like her
Luffy and his grandpa Garp
ore gomu na no ni nande iteen da. hanashite kure yo jiichan
Why does it hurt when I’m rubber? Let me go, Grandpa!

If のに come after jisho-kei verb, the meaning will be "to/for". See the example below:
watashi o tetsudau no ni enjo ga iru
I need a partner to help me
Also learn: Japanese Conjunction Lesson: ~te mo (~ても)

Yeah, finally we finished the lesson today, let's meet again tomorrow in new post^^ please wait the other new lessons on this blog, only on JLO Ok, jaa jikai mo tanoshimi ni, bye bye learners.

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2 Responses to "Japanese Conjunction Lesson: ~no ni (~のに)"

  1. Thanks for your lessons! They are very useful, and I really needed them.. I'm learning japanese in University (I'm a freshman), but it is slow-paced and I decided to improve myself by reading light novels. No need to tell you how tough that is, do I?

    Thanks a ton in any case!

  2. Hey,

    Really nice and awesome. Great information. Thanks for providing us such a useful information.



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