Japanese Grammar Lesson: ~te aru (~てある)

こんばんわぁー!(^o^)! Good evening learners, what's up? Let's learn Japanese language. 今回の文法は〜てあるです, today's grammar is ~te aru, I think this grammar is a little bit difficult to understand, but I hope you understand this my brief explanation well^^, jaa benkyou hajimemashou.

Grammar ~te aru (~てある)

JLPT Level: N4
Meaning: this form implies that someone has brought about the current state for a reason. It really doesn't matter who has done it.
Note: you can only use ~te aru with transitive verbs
Something + が / は + V +てある / てあります (something is done intentionally)
Something + が/は + V+ てあった / ありました (something was done intentionally)
Sentence Example:
mado ga akete aru
the window is open
mado ga akete arimashita
the window was open
kyou no ranchi ga mama ni tsukutte arimasu
the lunch for today is prepared (mom or someone has cooked lunch and now the lunch is ready to eat)
kono tegami wa kanji de kaite aru
this letter is written in kanji (someone wrote the letter in kanji, now you can look or read)
電気がつけ てある
denki ga tsukete aru
the light is on (Someone turned on the light on purpose)
hoteru wa yoyaku shite aru kara, shinpai shinai de kudasai
please don't worry, because (I/someone) has booked the hotel for us

Other grammar lesson: Japanese Grammar Lesson: ~no ni (~のに)

Ok, that was the ~te aru grammar lesson^^, It's seem like a passive form but this grammar is not in passive form. If you have any question, feel free to comment^^.

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