Learn Japanese Vocabulary List: Body Parts (身体)

ただいま!リーゼュです、今日私は体の部分についての単語をポストしてあげます(^_-)-☆さあ、授業を始めましょう。Tadaima! I'm riizhu, today, I am gonna post a vocabulary list about body parts, well, let's start the class.

If you start learning a new language, the vocabulary you learn at the first time is common words and phrases, animal vocabulary and body part vocabulary, isn't?.

Ok, this vocabulary list I collected from many sites, dictionaries and books and some of that in Google Translate^^, Ok, let's learn, memorize and have fun(^m^).

Japanese Vocabulary List: Body Parts
Japanese Romaji English
人体 jintai human body
karada body
atama head
te hand
ashi leg
ude arm
hiza knee
kami hair
背中 senaka back
koshi hip
me eye
mimi ear
hou/hoho chick
ha tooth
yubi finger
胃/お腹 i/onaka stomach
tsume nail
hitai forehead
ago jaw
hana nose
kuchi mouth
kuchibiru lip
kubi neck
tenohira palm
kata shoulder
nodo throat
kao face
顎鬚 agohige beard
hige mustache
太股 futomomo thigh
皮膚 hifu skin
血液/血 ketsueki/chi blood
mayu eyebrow
mune chest
hiji elbow
heso navel
腋の下 wakinoshita armpit
足首 ashikubi ankle
手首 tekubi wrist
眼球 gankyuu eyeball
shiri ass
脹脛 fukurahagi calf
kakato heel
足指 ashiyubi toe
内臓 naizou internal
腎臓 jinzou kidney
肝臓 kanzou liver
肋骨 rokkotsu rib
卵巣 ransou ovary
胎児 taiji fetus
心臓 shinzou heart
脾臓 hizou spleen
nou brain
筋肉 kinniku muscle
hai lung
血管 kekkan vessel
動脈 doumyaku artery
静脈 joumyaku vein
子宮 shikyuu uterus
網膜 moumaku retina
精子 seishi sperm
臍の緒 heso no o umbilical cord
頭蓋骨 zugaikotsu skull
hone bone
chou intestine
大腸 daichou colon
親指 oyayubi thumb
人差し指 hitosashiyubi index finger
中指 nakayubi middle finger
薬指 kusuriyubi ring finger
小指 koyubi little finger

All right, when I learned new vocabularies about body parts, I usually touch the part of my body and say it in Japanese, for instance, touch your head when you say あたま, touch your nose when you say はな and so on. And you can use my method to learn new vocabulary about body parts, but don't touch other person's body, Ok wkwk!(^o^)!. Ok, till then learners take care^^.

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