Learn Japanese Kanji Lesson Chapter 58 (夫付府副粉兵別辺変便)

おはっす、このブログにようこそ、ここで日本語を一緒に勉強しよう、今日の授業は漢字のレッスンです、じゃあ、覚悟しろ、レッスンは始まりだ。Ohassu, kono burogu ni youkoso, koko de nihongo o issho ni benkyou shiyou, kyou no jugyou wa kanji no ressun desu, jaa, kakugo shiro, ressun wa hajimari da. Alright, let's begin the kanji lesson chapter 58 :

Pay Attention :
  • To be more effective, take a note and a pen and write down the stroke of Kanji correctly.
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write the vertical line from top to bottom.
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 夫

meaning : husband
kunyomi : otto
onyomi : fu, fuu
stroke : 4
kotoba : 夫婦=fuufu=husband and wife (married couple)、夫=otto=husband
kanji husband

2. 付

meaning : to attach
kunyomi : tsu-ku, tsu-keru
onyomi : fu
stroke : 5
kotoba : 気付く=kidzuku=to realize、寄付=kifu=donation
kanji to attach

3. 府

meaning : prefectural office
kunyomi : -
onyomi : fu
stroke : 8
kotoba : 政府=seifu=government
kanji prefectural office

4. 副

meaning : defuty
kunyomi : -
onyomi : fuku
stroke : 11
kotoba : 副作用=fukusayou=side effect、副詞=fukushi=adverb
kanji defuty

5. 粉

meaning : powder
kunyomi : ko, kona
onyomi : fun
stroke : 10
kotoba : 粉末=funmatsu=fine powder、粉薬=konagusuri=powder medicine
kanji powder

6. 兵

meaning : soldier
kunyomi : -
onyomi : hei, hyou
stroke : 7
kotoba : 兵隊=heitai=soldier、兵器=heiki=weapons
kanji soldier

7. 別

meaning : separate
kunyomi : waka-reru
onyomi : betsu
stroke : 7
kotoba : 別れる=wakareru=break up、別々=betsubetsu=separately
kanji separate

8. 辺

meaning : side
kunyomi : ata-ri, be
onyomi : hen
stroke : 5
kotoba : 岸辺=kishibe=shore、周辺=shuuhen=peripheral
kanji side

9. 変

meaning : to change
kunyomi : ka-eru, ka-waru
onyomi : hen
stroke : 9
kotoba : 変える=kaeru=to change、変=hen=strange
kanji change

10. 便

meaning : convenient
kunyomi : tayo-ri
onyomi : ben, bin
stroke : 9
kotoba : 便り=tayori=news、便利=benri=convenient
kanji convenient

バンザイ!、今日のレッスンは終わった、じゃあ、ここまで、明日のレッスンを楽しみにするよ、じゃあまた会おう、みんな!. banzai, kyou no ressun wa owatta, jaa, koko made, ashita no ressun o tanoshimi ni suru yo, jaa mata aou, minna. Alright, I'll see you tomorrow in the next lesson^^ cheerio!.

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