Learn Japanese Kanji Lesson Chapter 44 (愛案以衣位囲胃印英栄)

Here there^^, thank you for being here, alright, today's we will start to learn Japanese Kanji of Kanji Grade 4 lesson, yeah, now we are same with elementary school grade 4, because this kanji lesson is taught in elementary school grade 4 in Japan. Oke here are the 10 kanji we are learning 愛、案、以、衣、位、囲、胃、印、英 and 栄, Saa, let's begin:

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly.
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down.
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 愛

meaning : love
kunyomi : ito-shii
onyomi : ai
stroke : 13
kotoba : 愛情=aijou=affection、愛しい=itoshii=dear、恋愛=ren'ai=love
kanji cinta

2. 案

meaning : draft
kunyomi : -
onyomi : an
stroke : 10
kotoba : 案内=annai=guide、案外=angai=unexpectedly, against expectation
kanji proposal

3. 以

meaning : or more
kunyomi : -
onyomi : i
stroke : 5
kotoba : 以上=ijou=or above/ or more、以下=ika=or less、以前=izen=previous
kanji menggunakan

4. 衣

meaning : clothing
kunyomi : koromo
onyomi : i
stroke : 6
kotoba : 衣服=ifuku=clothes
kanji pakaian

5. 位

meaning : position
kunyomi : kurai, gurai
onyomi : i
stroke : 7
kotoba : 地位=chii=position、位置=ichi=location、単位=tan'i=unit
kanji posisi

6. 囲

meaning : surround
kunyomi : kako-mu, kako-u
onyomi : i
stroke : 7
kotoba : 囲む=kakamu=to surround、雰囲気=fun'iki=atmosphere
kanji mengelilingi

7. 胃

meaning : stomach
kunyomi : -
onyomi : i
stroke : 9
kotoba : 胃痛=itsuu=stomach ache、胃腸=ichou=stomach and intestine
kanji perut

8. 印

meaning : mark
kunyomi : shirushi
onyomi : in
stroke : 6
kotoba : 矢印=yajirushi=directing arrow、印象=inshou=impression
kanji tanda

9. 英

meaning : English
kunyomi : -
onyomi : ei
stroke : 8
kotoba : 英語=eigo=English language、英国=eikoku=England、英雄=eiyuu=hero
kanji inggris

10. 栄

meaning : glory
kunyomi : saka-eru, ha-eru
onyomi : ei
stroke : 9
kotoba : 栄光=eikou=glory、栄養=eiyou=nutrition
kanji kejayaan

Thank for being here^^, and I wish our Japanese skill will be improving become more and more fluent than this^^, Oke let's learn Japanese language again tomorrow, okey? jaa see you tomorrow learners.

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