Japanese Vocabulary List: Adverb of Time

Doumo mina-san^^)/, hisashiburi desu ne, hmm, how long I didn't post here, hmm, maybe three months^^, I am sorry guys, but for now, I will be posting new articles to this blog regularly, I promise, for today's lesson, I will share a Japanese vocabulary list: Adverb of time, in Japanese adverb is called fukushi (副詞), let's have a look:

Adverb of Time Vocabulary List

Japanese Romaji English
時々 tokidoki sometimes
未だ mada yet
結局 kekkyoku eventually
前に mae ni previously
後で ato de later
殆ど ~ない hotondo ~nai seldom
通常 tsuujou usually
ずっと zutto during/forever
二週に一度 nishuu ni ichido fortnightly
最近 saikin lately/recently
最後に saigo ni last
最初に saisho ni first
今までに ima made ni ever
今までにない ima made ni nai never
定期的に teikiteki ni regularly
早く hayaku early
遅く osoku slowly
毎日 mainichi every day
毎月 maitsuki every month
毎年 mainen every year
よく yoku often
何時も itsumo always
何時でも itsudemo any time
mukashi formerly
ima now
一時間毎に ichijikangoto ni hourly
次の tsugi no next
すぐに sugu ni soon
週一度 shuu ichido weekly
毎晩 maiban every night
毎朝 maiasa every morning
昨夜 sakuya last night
昨日 kinou yesterday
明日 ashita tomorrow
明後日 asatte day after tomorrow
一昨日 ototoi day before yesterday
一昨年 ototoshi two years ago
去年 kyonen last year
先日 senjitsu other day
翌日 yokujitsu next day
先月 sengetsu last month
先週 senshuu last week
今年 kotoshi this year
今週 konshuu this week
今月 kongetsu this month
今日 kyou today
来週 raishuu next week
来月 raigetsu next month
来年 rainen next year
未来に mirai ni in the future
暫く shibaraku for a while
既に sude ni already
一時間 ichijikan one hour
やっと yatto finally
先頭の sentou no first
そのうち sono uchi sometimes
もう mou already, again
そろそろ sorosoro by now
まれに mare ni rarely
一定して ittei shite constantly
一般に ippan ni in general
頻繁に hinpan ni frequently
~からずっと ~kara zutto since

Alright, that was today's vocabulary lesson, I hope you enjoyed the lesson^^, jaa watashi wa sorosoro desu^^, I will see you again in the next lesson, see you guys take care, jaa na.

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2 Responses to "Japanese Vocabulary List: Adverb of Time"

  1. レッスンは すてき です。どもう ありがとう ございます。


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