Doumo mina-san^^)/, hisashiburi desu ne, hmm, how long I didn't post here, hmm, maybe three months^^, I am sorry guys, but for now, I will be posting new articles to this blog regularly, I promise, for today's lesson, I will share
a Japanese vocabulary list: Adverb of time, in Japanese adverb is called fukushi (副詞), let's have a look:
Adverb of Time Vocabulary List
Japanese |
Romaji |
English |
時々 |
tokidoki |
sometimes |
未だ |
mada |
yet |
結局 |
kekkyoku |
eventually |
前に |
mae ni |
previously |
後で |
ato de |
later |
殆ど ~ない |
hotondo ~nai |
seldom |
通常 |
tsuujou |
usually |
ずっと |
zutto |
during/forever |
二週に一度 |
nishuu ni ichido |
fortnightly |
最近 |
saikin |
lately/recently |
最後に |
saigo ni |
last |
最初に |
saisho ni |
first |
今までに |
ima made ni |
ever |
今までにない |
ima made ni nai |
never |
定期的に |
teikiteki ni |
regularly |
早く |
hayaku |
early |
遅く |
osoku |
slowly |
毎日 |
mainichi |
every day |
毎月 |
maitsuki |
every month |
毎年 |
mainen |
every year |
よく |
yoku |
often |
何時も |
itsumo |
always |
何時でも |
itsudemo |
any time |
昔 |
mukashi |
formerly |
今 |
ima |
now |
一時間毎に |
ichijikangoto ni |
hourly |
次の |
tsugi no |
next |
すぐに |
sugu ni |
soon |
週一度 |
shuu ichido |
weekly |
毎晩 |
maiban |
every night |
毎朝 |
maiasa |
every morning |
昨夜 |
sakuya |
last night |
昨日 |
kinou |
yesterday |
明日 |
ashita |
tomorrow |
明後日 |
asatte |
day after tomorrow |
一昨日 |
ototoi |
day before yesterday |
一昨年 |
ototoshi |
two years ago |
去年 |
kyonen |
last year |
先日 |
senjitsu |
other day |
翌日 |
yokujitsu |
next day |
先月 |
sengetsu |
last month |
先週 |
senshuu |
last week |
今年 |
kotoshi |
this year |
今週 |
konshuu |
this week |
今月 |
kongetsu |
this month |
今日 |
kyou |
today |
来週 |
raishuu |
next week |
来月 |
raigetsu |
next month |
来年 |
rainen |
next year |
未来に |
mirai ni |
in the future |
暫く |
shibaraku |
for a while |
既に |
sude ni |
already |
一時間 |
ichijikan |
one hour |
やっと |
yatto |
finally |
先頭の |
sentou no |
first |
そのうち |
sono uchi |
sometimes |
もう |
mou |
already, again |
そろそろ |
sorosoro |
by now |
まれに |
mare ni |
rarely |
一定して |
ittei shite |
constantly |
一般に |
ippan ni |
in general |
頻繁に |
hinpan ni |
frequently |
~からずっと |
~kara zutto |
since |
Alright, that was today's vocabulary lesson, I hope you enjoyed the lesson^^, jaa
watashi wa sorosoro desu^^, I will see you again in the next lesson, see you guys take care, jaa na.
Posted by Riizhu
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