Japanese Vocabulary List: Transitive Verb / Tadoushi (他動詞)

Because I shared a vocabulary list: Intransitive verb/Jidoushi yesterday, so today, I am gonna share a vocabulary list: Transitive verb/Tadoushi (他動詞). Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. And here are the vocabulary list:

Transitive Verb/Tadoushi (他動詞) List

Japanese Romaji English
落とす otosu to drop
起こす okosu to raise, to wake
滅ぼす horobosu to perish
降ろす orosu let off
下ろす orosu take down
過ごす sugosu to spend time
余す amasu leave over
直す naosu to fix
残す nokosu to leave
通す toosu run through
渡す watasu to hand over
帰す kaesu send back
返す kaesu to return
増やす fuyasu to increase
冷やす hiyasu to refrigerate
燃やす moyasu to burn
隠す kakusu to hide
壊す kowasu to break
倒す taosu to defeat/knock down
流す nagasu to shed
驚かす odorokasu to surprise
動かす ugokasu to move
乾かす kawakasu to dry
出す dasu to issue/put out
消す kesu to delete/switch off
変える kaeru to change
終える oeru to finish
伝える tsutaeru to tell
掛ける kakeru to hang
閉める shimeru to close
上げる ageru to raise
建てる tateru to build
集める atsumeru to collect
預ける azukeru to deposit/entrust
始める hajimeru to start
助ける tasukeru to help
曲げる mageru to turn
混ぜる mazeru to mix
見つける mitsukeru to discover
下げる sageru to lower/reduce
静める shizumeru to quiten
止める tomeru to stop
詰める tsumeru to pack
繋ぐ/繋げる tsunagu/tsunageru to connect
儲ける moukeru to earn
収める osameru to reap
立てる tateru make stand
付ける tsukeru to attach
開ける akeru to open
間違える machigaeru make mistake
向ける mukeru to face
進める susumeru to hasten/promote
浮かべる ukaberu to float
埋める umeru to bury
育てる sodateru to bring up/grow up
沈める shizumeru to sink/submerse
乗せる noseru to give a ride
入れる ireru put in
焼く yaku to bake
割る waru to divide
抜く nuku to unplug
砕く kudaku to destroy/pulverize
解く toku to solve (problem)
解く hodoku to untie
見る miru to see
聞く kiku to hear
吹く fuku to blow
減らす herasu to decrease
勝る masaru to excel/surpass
負かす makasu to defeat
引く hiku to pull
食べる taberu to eat
飲む nomu to drink
置く oku to put
取る toru to take
移す utsusu to transfer
待つ matsu to wait
指す sasu to point at
読む yomu to read
産む umu give birth
濡らす nurasu to wet
深める fukameru to deepen
泊める tomeru to give shelter to
打つ utsu to hit/strike
蹴る keru to kick
切る kiru to cut
掘る horu to dig
嫌う kirau to hate
好む konomu to like
殺す korosu to kill
温める atatameru to warm
汚す kegasu to make dirty
被る kaburu to wear (head)
着る kiru to wear (clothing)
吐く haku to breathe, to vomit
気付く kidzuku to realize
届ける todokeru to deliver
誘う sasou to invite
訪ねる tazuneru to visit
認める mitomeru to admit
話す hanasu to speak
離す hanasu to separate
登る noboru to climb
する suru to do
手伝う tetsudau to assist
彩る irodoru to color
押す osu to press
騙す damasu to deceive, to trick
慣らす narasu to acustom
信じる shinjiru to believe
応じる oojiru to respond
抱く daku/idaku to embrace
知る shiru to know
言う iu to say
愛する aisuru to love
包む tsutsumu to wrap
噛む kamu to bite
広げる hirogeru to widen
飼う kau to feed
掃く haku to sweep
運ぶ hakobu to transport
書く kaku to write
呼ぶ yobu to call
裏切る uragiru to betray
得る eru to get
捨てる suteru to throw
飛ばす tobasu to skip over, omit

You may also like: Japanese Vocabulary List: Intransitive Verb / Jidoushi (自動詞)

Yeah, that was vocabulary list: transitive verb/tadoushi (他動詞) for today^^, I hope you liked it. Jaa mata aimashou ne bye bye.

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2 Responses to "Japanese Vocabulary List: Transitive Verb / Tadoushi (他動詞)"

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This collection is really very helpful. I appreciate this post. Thanks for updating It will help students to check all three formats to judge while practicing.

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