Japanese Vocabulary List: Intransitive Verb / Jidoushi (自動詞)

Same with English, Verb in Japanese also divided into two types transitive verb and intransitive verb. Transitive verb called Tadoushi (他動詞) where as Intransitive verb called Jidoushi (自動詞). And today, in this article I am going to share a Japanese Vocabulary List: Intransitive verb/Jidoushi (自動詞)^^. Intransitive verb or jidoushi is a verb that indicates a complete action without being accompanied by a direct object. And this is the vocabulary list: intransitive verb/jidoushi:

Intransitive Verb / Jidoushi (自動詞) List

Japanese Romaji English
落ちる ochiru to fall
起きる okiru get up, wake up
滅びる horobiru be destroyed
降りる oriru get off
下りる oriru descend, alight
過ぎる sugiru to pass
余る amaru be in excess
直る naoru be fixed, get well
残る nokoru remain
通る tooru go through
渡る wataru go across/cross over
帰る kaeru go home, return (human)
返る kaeru return, come back (things)
増える fueru increase
冷える hieru cool down
燃える moeru burn
隠れる kakureru be hidden
壊れる kowareru be broken
倒れる taoreru break down, be ruined
流れる nagareru flow, steam
驚く odoroku be surprised
動く ugoku move, be transferred
乾く kawaku get dry
出る deru go out
消える kieru vanish, disappear
変わる kawaru be transformed/changed
終わる owaru end
伝わる tsutawaru be stansmitted
掛かる kakaru hang
閉まる shimaru be closed
上がる agaru go up
当たる ataru be a hit
集まる atsumaru gather
預かる azukaru keep in custody
始まる hajimaru begin, be open
助かる tasukaru be saved, be rescued
曲がる magaru bend
混ざる mazaru be mixed/blended
見つかる mitsukaru be found/discovered
下がる sagaru hang down
静まる shizumaru calm down
止まる tomaru be limited to/stop
詰まる tsumaru be packed/blocked
繋がる tsunagaru be connected/related to
儲かる moukaru yield a profit
収まる osamaru be settled
立つ tatsu to stand
付く tsuku to stick
開く aku be open
間違う machigau wrong
向く muku to face
進む susumu advance, improve
浮かぶ ukabu float
埋まる umaru be filled, be burried
育つ sodatsu grow
沈む shizumu feel depressed, sink
乗る noru ride in, get on
入る hairu enter, get in
焼ける yakeru be burn, roasted
割れる wareru divided
抜ける nukeru be missing, be omitted
砕ける kudakeru be broken
解ける tokeru solved
解ける hodokeru loosen, come apart
見える mieru be seen
聞こえる kikoeru be heard
吹く fuku be blown
減る heru decrease
勝つ katsu to win
負ける makeru to lose
生きる ikiru to live
来る kuru to come
行く iku to go
なる naru become
鳴る naru be rung
泊まる tomaru stay night
住む sumu to live
生まれる umareru be born
濡れる nureru get wet
移る utsuru move
深める fukamaru become deep
太る futoru get fat
痩せる yaseru lose weight
似る niru be similar
温まる atatamaru become hot
薄れる usureru become dim
明かれる akareru become clear
汚れる yogoreru get dirty
慌てる awateru panic, get nervous
酔う you get drunk
曇る kumoru become cloudy
晴れる hareru be sunny
似合う niau suit
会う au meet
止む yamu be over, stopped
着く tsuku arrive
膨らむ fukuramu get big, bulge
鈍る niburu become dull
慣れる nareru get used to
気付ける kidzukeru be realized
届く todoku reach
別れる wakareru break up
叶う kanau come true
咲く saku bloom
出来る dekiru can/able to
歩く aruku to walk
走る hashiru to run
黙る damaru be silent
座る suwaru to sit
分かる wakaru to understand
迷う mayou get lost, be doubt
戸惑う tomadou be bewildered
親しむ shitashimu be intimate
死ぬ shinu to die
飛ぶ tobu to fly
絡む karamu tangle
広がる hirogaru spread
病む yamu fall ill
叫ぶ sakebu to shout
祈る inoru to pray
ある aru there is/are (things)
いる iru there is/are (human/animal)
泣く naku to cry
笑う warau to laugh

You may also like: Japanese Vocabulary List: Transitive Verb / Tadoushi (他動詞)

Yippee, that was intransitive verb/jidoushi vocabulary list^^, I will also share a vocabulary list about transitive verb/ jidoushi (自動詞) in the next post, so please wait, matte ne^^.

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