Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Shopping (買い物)

Hi there everyone, do you like shopping, I am sure there are some learners here who like shopping aren't there?, So, I decided post a vocabulary list: all about shopping (買い物), Well, please remember and memorize these vocabularies well, because you will need these words when you travelling and shopping in Japan especially for women kyahahaha^^.

Japanese Vocabulary List: Shopping / Kaimono
Japanese Romaji English
買い物 kaimono Shopping
買う kau to buy
売る uru to sell
売買 baibai trade
スーパー suupaa supermarket
コンビに konbini convenience store
高い takai expensive
安い yasui cheap
大きい ookii big
小さい chiisai small
製品 seihin product
果物 kudamono fruit
野菜 yasai vegetable
いくら ikura how much (the price)
パン pan bread
niku meat
tamago egg
sakana fish
お米 okome rice
ワイン wain wine
牛乳 gyuunyuu milk
コーヒー koohii coffee
お茶 ocha tea
ビール biiru bir
本屋 honya book store
骨董品屋 kettouhinya antique store
市場 ichiba market
値段 nedan price
デビットカード debitto kaado debit card
fukuro plastic bag
払う harau to pay
スカーフ sukaafu scaft
ジャケット jaketto jaket
セーター seetaa sweater
コート kooto coat
水着 mizugi swimming suit
タオル taoru towel
財布 saifu wallet
眼鏡 megane glasses
指輪 yubiwa ring
腕輪 udewa bracelet
カメラ kamera camera
パソコン pasokon personal computer
中古品点 chuukohinten thrift store
交換 koukan exchange
お土産 omiyage souvenirs
化粧品 keshouhin cosmetics
香水 kousui perfume
お金 okane money
現金 genkin cash
クレジットカード kurejitto kaado credit card
en yen
店/商店 mise/shouten store / shop
kutsu shoes
売り場 uriba department
八百屋 yaoya greengrocer
肉屋 nikuya butcher
魚屋 sakanaya fishmonger
洋服屋 youfukuya clothes shop
問屋 tonya wholesaler
セル seru sale
玩具屋 omochaya toy shop
家具屋 kaguya furniture shop
錠前屋 joumaeya locksmith
レストラン restoran restoran

Other vocabulary list: Japanese Vocabulary List: Family (Kazoku)

Yeah, make sure you memorized it(=^・^=), alright, I will wrap up the lesson and I promise I will share other new vocabulary lists again in this Japanese Learning Online blog, jaa mata ashita ne, see you tomorrow, Cheerio!(^_^)/.

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3 Responses to "Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Shopping (買い物)"

  1. Amazing list of daily using Japanese words. It is good if you will also share some daily using conversational sentences.

  2. Thanks for providing such a nice list for all the Japanese trainee. It is really amazing list to learn Japanese online.

  3. Thank you very much! These are very usefull... 1 question: is the kanji for thrift store not 中古品店 instead of the 点?


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