Hi there everyone, do you like shopping, I am sure there are some learners here who like shopping aren't there?, So, I decided post
a vocabulary list: all about shopping (買い物), Well, please remember and memorize these vocabularies well, because you will need these words when you travelling and shopping in Japan especially for women kyahahaha^^.
Japanese Vocabulary List: Shopping / Kaimono |
Japanese |
Romaji |
English |
買い物 |
kaimono |
Shopping |
買う |
kau |
to buy |
売る |
uru |
to sell |
売買 |
baibai |
trade |
スーパー |
suupaa |
supermarket |
コンビに |
konbini |
convenience store |
高い |
takai |
expensive |
安い |
yasui |
cheap |
大きい |
ookii |
big |
小さい |
chiisai |
small |
製品 |
seihin |
product |
果物 |
kudamono |
fruit |
野菜 |
yasai |
vegetable |
いくら |
ikura |
how much (the price) |
パン |
pan |
bread |
肉 |
niku |
meat |
卵 |
tamago |
egg |
魚 |
sakana |
fish |
お米 |
okome |
rice |
ワイン |
wain |
wine |
牛乳 |
gyuunyuu |
milk |
コーヒー |
koohii |
coffee |
お茶 |
ocha |
tea |
ビール |
biiru |
bir |
本屋 |
honya |
book store |
骨董品屋 |
kettouhinya |
antique store |
市場 |
ichiba |
market |
値段 |
nedan |
price |
デビットカード |
debitto kaado |
debit card |
袋 |
fukuro |
plastic bag |
払う |
harau |
to pay |
スカーフ |
sukaafu |
scaft |
ジャケット |
jaketto |
jaket |
セーター |
seetaa |
sweater |
コート |
kooto |
coat |
水着 |
mizugi |
swimming suit |
タオル |
taoru |
towel |
財布 |
saifu |
wallet |
眼鏡 |
megane |
glasses |
指輪 |
yubiwa |
ring |
腕輪 |
udewa |
bracelet |
カメラ |
kamera |
camera |
パソコン |
pasokon |
personal computer |
中古品点 |
chuukohinten |
thrift store |
交換 |
koukan |
exchange |
お土産 |
omiyage |
souvenirs |
化粧品 |
keshouhin |
cosmetics |
香水 |
kousui |
perfume |
お金 |
okane |
money |
現金 |
genkin |
cash |
クレジットカード |
kurejitto kaado |
credit card |
円 |
en |
yen |
店/商店 |
mise/shouten |
store / shop |
靴 |
kutsu |
shoes |
売り場 |
uriba |
department |
八百屋 |
yaoya |
greengrocer |
肉屋 |
nikuya |
butcher |
魚屋 |
sakanaya |
fishmonger |
洋服屋 |
youfukuya |
clothes shop |
問屋 |
tonya |
wholesaler |
セル |
seru |
sale |
玩具屋 |
omochaya |
toy shop |
家具屋 |
kaguya |
furniture shop |
錠前屋 |
joumaeya |
locksmith |
レストラン |
restoran |
restoran |
Other vocabulary list:
Japanese Vocabulary List: Family (Kazoku)
Yeah, make sure you memorized it(=^・^=), alright, I will wrap up the lesson and I promise I will share other new vocabulary lists again in this
Japanese Learning Online blog, jaa mata ashita ne, see you tomorrow, Cheerio!(^_^)/.
Posted by Riizhu
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Amazing list of daily using Japanese words. It is good if you will also share some daily using conversational sentences.
ReplyDeleteThanks for providing such a nice list for all the Japanese trainee. It is really amazing list to learn Japanese online.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! These are very usefull... 1 question: is the kanji for thrift store not 中古品店 instead of the 点?