Learn Japanese Kanji 03 (白百目右雨円音貝学玉)

It's kanji time, let's learn kanji again^^, how about previous kanji lesson? have you learned and recalled? I hope all of you have recalled it, so that we can focus on kanji which we will learning now. Ok let's begin to learning Japanese kanji chapter 3, the 10 kanji today are 白百目右雨円音貝学 and 玉, here we go :

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down
  • sign (*) is meaning the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.


meaning: white
kunyomi: shiro
onyomi: haku
stroke: 5
kotoba : 白い=shiroi=white、面白い=omoshiroi=interesting、白紙=hakushi=blank paper、真っ白=masshiro=pure white
kanji white

2. 百

meaning: hundred
kunyomi: momo
onyomi: hyaku
stroke: 6
kotoba : 百円=hyakuen=100 yen、百点=100 point、百貨店=hyakkaten=departmen store
kanji hundred

3. 目

meaning: eye
kunyomi: me
onyomi: moku, boku
stroke: 5
kotoba : 目的=mokuteki=purpose、注目=chuumoku=attention、目印=mejirushi=mark
kanji eye

4. 右

meaning: right
kunyomi: migi
onyomi: u, yuu
stroke: 5
kotoba : 右手=migite=right hand、右翼=uyoku=right wing、左右=sayuu=right and left/control
kanji right

5. 雨

meaning: rain
kunyomi: ame
onyomi: u
stroke: 8
kotoba : 雨雲=amagumo=nimbus、風雨=fuuu=windy rain、雨期=uki=rainy season、大雨=ooame=heavy rain
kanji rain

6. 円

meaning: yen, circle
kunyomi: en
onyomi: maru-i
stroke: 4
kotoba : 円満=enman=harmony、千円=sen'en=1000 yen, 円周=enshuu=circumference
kanji yen

7. 音

meaning: sound
kunyomi: on, in
onyomi: oto, ne
stroke: 9
kotoba : 発音=hatsuon=pronounciation、音楽=ongaku=music、足音=ashioto=footsteps、音色=neiro=tone, 音読み=onyomi
kanji sound

8. 貝

meaning: shellfish
kunyomi: -
onyomi: kai
stroke: 7
kotoba : 赤貝=akagai=ark shell、魚貝類=gyokairui=seafood、貝殻=kaigara=shell
kanji shellfish

9. 学

meaning: study
kunyomi: mana-bu
onyomi: gaku
stroke: 8
kotoba : 大学=daigaku=university、学校=gakkou=school、文学=bungaku=literature、入学=nyuugaku=admission、学ぶ=manabu=to study
kanji study

10. 玉 

meaning: ball, sphere
kunyomi: tama -dama
onyomi: gyoku
stroke: 5
kotoba : 珠玉=shugyoku=gem、目玉=medama=eyeball、玉手箱=tamatebako=pandora box、十円玉=juuendama=10 yen coin
kanji ball, sphere

Alright, Alhamdulillah we have just finished our lesson for today^^, did you enjoy guys? Ok kyou wa koko made, and we will meet again tomorrow in this blog to learn new kanji again till we will had learnt all of Jouyou Kanji^^, see you tomorrow guys.

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