Learn Japanese Kanji 02 (日火月水木土金王休年)

To continue previous lesson Learn Japanese Kanji 01, today we're gonna learn Japanese Kanji 02, as usual we are going to learn 10 Kanji in this post, learn the reading, meaning and of course how to write them. How about 10 kanji? Have you recalled them? If you have, let's learn the next one. Jaa kanji no benkyou o hajimemashou :

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down
  • sign (*) is meaning the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 日
meaning: sun, day
kunyomi: hi, -ka
onyomi: nichi, jitsu
stroke: 4
kotoba : 日曜日=nichiyoubi=sunday、*今日=kyou/konnichi/konjitsu=today、日々=hibi=days、*明日=asu/ashita=tomorrow、*明後日=asatte=day after tomorrow、日記=nikki=diary
kanji sun

2. 火 
meaning: fire
kunyomi: hi, bi
onyomi: ka
stroke: 4
kotoba : 火曜日=kayoubi=tuesday、火花=hibana=spark、花火=hanabi=fireworks、火山=kazan=volcano、火事=kaji=fire/conflagaration
kanji fire

3. 月
meaning moon/month
kunyomi: tsuki
onyomi: getsu, gatsu
stroke: 4
kotoba : 満月=mangetsu=full moon、月曜日=getsuyoubi=monday、三月=sangatsu=march、毎月=maitsuki=monthly/every month、月明かり=tsukiakari=moonlight、先月=sengetsu=last month
kanji moon/month

4. 水
meaning: water
kunyomi: mizu
onyomi: sui
stroke: 4
kotoba : 水曜日=suiyoubi=wednesday、洪水=kouzui=flood、お水=omizu=water、水泳=suiei=swimming
kanji water

5. 木
meaning: tree
kunyomi: ki
onyomi: moku
guratan: 4
kotoba : 木曜日=mokuyoubi=thursday、鈴木=suzuki=Japanese name、*木の葉=leaf、木材=mokuzai=wood
kanji tree

6. 土
meaning: soil
kunyomi: tsuchi
onyomi: do, to
stroke: 3
kotoba : 土曜日=doyoubi=saturday、土地=tochi=land、土間=doma=dirt floor
kanji soil

7. 金
meaning: money
kunyomi: kane, kana
onyomi: kin, kon
stroke: 8
kotoba : 金曜日=kinyoubi=friday、金持ち=kimochi=rich、お金=okane=money、金色=kin'iro/konjiki=gold (colour)、料金=ryoukin=fee
kanji money

8. 王
meaning: king
kunyomi: ou
onyomi: -
stroke: 4
kotoba : 女王=jo'ou=queen、帝王=teiou=emperor、王国=oukoku=kingdom、王座=ouza=throne
kanji king

9. 休
meaning: rest
kunyomi: yasu-mu
onyomi: kyuu
stroke: 6
kotoba : 休む=yasumu=to rest、休日=kyuujitsu=holiday、夏休み=natsuyasumi=summer holiday
kanji rest

10. 年
meaning: year
kunyomi: toshi
onyomi: nen
stroke: 6
kotoba : 年上=toshiue=older people、去年=kyonen=last year、今年=kotoshi=this year、一年=ichinen=1 year
kanji year

Those are 10 kanji we learned in this lesson, don't forget also write a kanji based on the stroke order, because it will help you to remember or not to forget kanji easily^^ jaa, jikai mo tanoshi mi ni, mata ashita ne^^.

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