Learn Japanese Kanji Chapter 67 (限現減故個護効厚耕鉱)

皆さんおはようございます、Mina-san ohayou gozaimasu^^, good morning learners, kyou mo kanji no kakikata o benkyou shimasu, we will also learn Kanji writing today, and here are the kanji we will learn in this post 限 現 減 故 個 護 効 厚 耕 and 鉱. Alright, let's begin:

1. 限

meaning : limit
kunyomi : ka-giru
onyomi : gen
stroke : 9
kotoba : 限る=kagiru=to limit、限界=genkai=limit
kanji limit

2. 現

meaning : appear, reality
kunyomi : arawa-su, arawa-reru
onyomi : gen
stroke : 11
kotoba : 現実=genjitsu=reality、現れる=arawareru=to appear
kanji appear, reality

3. 減

meaning : decrease
kunyomi : he-ru, he-rasu
onyomi : gen
stroke : 11
kotoba : 減少=genshou=reduction、減る=heru=decrease
kanji decrease

4. 故

meaning : late
kunyomi : yue
onyomi : ko
stroke : 9
kotoba : 事故=jiko=accident
kanji late

5. 個

meaning : individual
kunyomi : -
onyomi : ko
stroke : 10
kotoba : 個人=kojin=individual、個室=koshitsu=private room
kanji individual

6. 護

meaning : protect
kunyomi : -
onyomi : go
stroke : 20
kotoba : 警護=keigo=bodyguard、看護婦=kan'gofu=nurse
kanji protect

7. 効

meaning : effective
kunyomi : ki-ku
onyomi : kou
stroke : 8
kotoba : 効果=kouka=efek、効く=kiku=be effective
kanji effective

8. 厚

meaning : thick
kunyomi : atsu-i
onyomi : kou
stroke : 9
kotoba : 厚い=atsui=thick、厚木=atsugi=atsugi (clothing thick)
kanji thick

9. 耕

meaning : plow
kunyomi : tagaya-su
onyomi : kou
stroke : 10
kotoba : 耕作=kousaku=cultivation、耕す=tagayasu=to plow
kanji plow, cultivate

10. 鉱

meaning : mineral
kunyomi : -
onyomi : kou
stroke : 13
kotoba : 鉱山=kouzan=mine
kanji mineral

Ok, that was Japanese kanji chapter 67 (限現減故個護効厚耕鉱), did you enjoy the lesson^^, we will meet again in the next lesson, jikai mo tanoshimi ni, mata ne^^.

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