Learn Japanese Kanji 07 (足町村虫中大男田竹天)

Hello guys^^, glad to see you come back again to this blog and of course I also glad to see new visitors^^, welcome to this blog and let’s learn Japanese happily together. Ok as usual today we are going to learn 10 Kanji i.e. 足、町、村、虫、中、大、男、田、竹 and . Minna, mou ii kai? Are you ready guys? Ok, let’s start to study Japanese Kanji:

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down
  • sign (*) is meaning the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 足

meaning: foot
kunyomi: ashi
onyomi: soku
stroke: 7
kotoba : 足跡=ashiato=footprints、足首=ashikubi=angkle、足し算=tashizan=addition、不足=fusoku=shortage
kanji foot

2. 町

meaning: town
kunyomi: machi
onyomi: chou
stroke: 7
kotoba : 町長=chouchou=town headman、町名=choumei=town name、町役場=machiyakuba=town hall、港町=minatomachi=port
kanji town

3. 村

meaning: village
kunyomi: mura
onyomi: son
stroke: 7
kotoba : 村人=murabito=villager 、寒村=kanson=poor village、漁村=gyoson=fishing village、村落=sonraku=village
kanji village

4. 虫

meaning: insect
kunyomi: mushi
onyomi: chuu
stroke: 6
kotoba : 昆虫=konchuu=insect、毛虫=kemushi=caterpillar、虫歯=mushiba=caries、寄生虫=kiseichuu=parasite
kanji insect

5. 中

meaning: medium/in the middle of
kunyomi: naka
onyomi: chuu
stroke: 4
kotoba : 中心=chuushin=center、中年=chuunen=middle-aged、中学校=chuugakkou=junior high school、中指=nakayubi=middle finger
kanji medium/in the middle of

6. 大

meaning: big
kunyomi: oo-kii
onyomi: dai,tai
stroke: 3
kotoba : 大空=oozora=firmament、大統領=daitouryou=president、大きい=ookii=big、大切=taisetsu=important
kanji big

7. 男

meaning: man
kunyomi: otoko
onyomi: dan,nan
stroke: 7
kotoba : 男の子=otoko no ko=boy、長男=chounan=eldest son、男女=danjo=men and women、男優=dan'yuu=actor
kanji man

8. 田

meaning: rice field
kunyomi: ta
onyomi: den
stroke: 5
kotoba : 水田=suiden=paddy/rice field、田園=den'en=countryside、田植え=taue=rice planting、田中=tanaka=Japanese name
kanji rice field

9. 竹

meaning: bamboo
kunyomi: take
onyomi: chiku
stroke: 6
kotoba : 竹林=chikurin=bamboo forest、*竹刀=shinai=fencing stick、竹馬=takeuma=stilst、竹垣=takegaki=bamboo fence
kanji bamboo

10. 天

meaning: heaven
kunyomi: ama
onyomi: ten
stroke: 4
kotoba : 天使=tenshi=angel、天地=tenchi=heaven and earth、天国=tengoku=heaven、晴天=seiten=clear sky
kanji heaven

Yes, we have already completed our Kanji lesson for today^^, alright kyou no jugyou wa koko mae^^, Jaa mata ashita ne, see you in the next lesson all.

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