Learn Japanese Kanji 26 (運泳駅央横屋温化荷界)

皆さん、こんばんは、 japaneselearningonline.blogspot.com にようこそ^^、ええと、今日もまた漢字を勉強しますか?^^ hmm, today's lesson is learning Japanese Kanji again and this is the second lesson of Kanji grade 3, Ok here's the 10 Kanji we are going to learn today 運、泳、駅、央、横、屋、化、荷 and the last 界. Ok let's begin and don't forget also read the caution below:

Caution :
  • If you want more effective, please take a note and a pen and write the stroke of Kanji correctly
  • Write the horizontal line from right to left and write vertical line from up to down
  • Sign (*) means the vocabulary has irregular/special reading.

1. 運

meaning : carry
kunyomi : hako-bu
onyomi : un
stroke : 12
kotoba : 運命=unmei=destiny、運動=undou=movement, sport、運転手=untenshu=driver、運ぶ=hakobu=to carry
kanji carry

2. 泳

meaning : to swim
kunyomi : oyo-gu
onyomi : ei
stroke : 8
kotoba : 水泳=suiei=swimming、泳ぐ=oyogu=to swim、平泳ぎ=hiraoyogi=breaststroke
kanji swim

3. 駅

meaning : station
kunyomi : -
onyomi : eki
stroke : 14
kotoba : 駅前=ekimae=front of station、駅長=ekichou=station master、駅員=ekiin=station attendant
kanji station

4. 央

meaning : central
kunyomi : -
onyomi : ou
stroke : 5
kotoba : 中央=chuuou=central、震央=shin'ou=epicenter
kanji central

5. 横

meaning : beside
kunyomi : yoko
onyomi : ou
stroke : 15
kotoba : 横顔=yokogao=face seen from the side、横道=yokomichi=side street、横断歩道=oudanhodou=crosswalk/pedestrian crossing、横領=ouryou=embezzlement
kanji beside

6. 屋

meaning : room
kunyomi : ya
onyomi : oku
stroke : 9
kotoba : 部屋=heya=room、屋上=okujou=roof、花屋=hanaya=florist、屋外=okugai=outdoors
kanji room

7. 温

meaning : warm
kunyomi : atata-kai
onyomi : on
stroke : 12
kotoba : 温度=ondo=temperature、温かい=atatakai=warm、温泉=onsen=hot springs、温室=onshitsu=greenhouse
kanji warm

8. 化

meaning : change with age
kunyomi : ba-keru, ba-kasu
onyomi : ka,ke
stroke : 4
kotoba : 化け物=bakemono=monster、変化=henka=change、文化=bunka=culture、化粧品=keshouhin=cosmetics
kanji change with age

9. 荷

meaning : luggage
kunyomi : ni
onyomi : ka
stroke : 10
kotoba : 荷物=nimotsu=luggage、出荷=shukka=shipping
kanji luggage

10. 界

meaning : world
kunyomi : -
onyomi : kai
stroke : 9
kotoba : 世界=sekai=world、政界=seikai=political world、業界=gyoukai=industry、限界=genkai=limit
kanji world

Finished, our today's lesson finished, Alright everyone, that all for today's lesson^^, of course we will continue to learn other Japanese lesson tomorrow^^, so please waiting us and visit this blog tomorrow, jaa mata ashita ne minna^^)/ see you tomorrow guys.

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