Ohayou gozaimasu^^ have you had breakfast, learners? and what was your menu? Did you cook it by yourself? Do you like cooking?^^ If you like cooking, maybe
this vocabulary list is useful for you^^, well today's category is all about cooking (料理), come on let's have a look^^:
Japanese Vocabulary List: Cooking / Ryouri |
Japanese |
Romaji |
English |
料理 |
ryouri |
cooking |
料理する |
ryouri suru |
to cook |
煮る |
niru |
to boil |
焼く |
yaku |
to bake |
揚げる |
ageru |
to fry |
炒める |
itameru |
soulteing |
茹でる |
yuderu |
to boil |
蒸す |
musu |
to steam |
炊く |
taku |
cooking rice |
むく |
muku |
to peel |
刻む |
kizamu |
to chop up |
かき混ぜる |
kakimazeru |
to mix |
調味料 |
choumiryou |
flavour |
しょうゆ |
shouyu |
soy sauce |
砂糖 |
satou |
sugar |
塩 |
shio |
salt |
酢 |
su |
vinegar |
みそ |
miso |
miso |
油 |
abura |
oil |
ソース |
soosu |
sauce |
玉葱 |
tamanegi |
onion |
人参 |
ninjin |
carrot |
レタス |
retasu |
lettuce |
果物 |
kudamono |
fruit |
野菜 |
yasai |
vegetable |
茄子 |
nasu |
eggplant |
キャベツ |
kyabetsu |
cabbage |
大蒜 |
ninniku |
garlic |
胡瓜 |
kyuuri |
cucumber |
ピーマン |
piiman |
green chillies |
メキャベツ |
mekyabetsu |
bean sprouts |
マヨネーズ |
mayoneezu |
mayonnaise |
ケチャップ |
kechappu |
ketchup |
こしょう |
koshou |
pepper |
とがらし |
togarashi |
cayenne |
しょうが |
shouga |
ginger |
カレー粉 |
kareeko |
flour curry |
卵 |
tamago |
egg |
ご飯 |
gohan |
cooked rice |
米 |
kome |
rice |
台所 |
daidokoro |
kitchen |
台所用品 |
daidokoroyouhin |
kitchen appliance |
なべ |
nabe |
pan |
やかん |
yakan |
teapot |
ふた |
futa |
lid |
食べる |
taberu |
to eat |
食べ物 |
tabemono |
food |
買い物 |
kaimono |
shopping |
飲む |
nomu |
to drink |
飲み物 |
nomimono |
beverage |
飲食 |
inshoku |
food and drink |
昼食/昼ご飯 |
chuushoku/hirugohan |
lunch |
夜食/晩ご飯 |
yashoku/bangohan |
dinner/supper |
朝食/朝ご飯 |
choushoku/asagohan |
breakfast |
おたま |
otama |
ladle |
スプーン |
supuun |
spoon |
フォーク |
fooku |
fork |
お皿 |
osara |
dish |
ナイフ |
naifu |
knife |
まな板 |
manaita |
chopping board |
包丁 |
houchou |
kitchen knife |
付近 |
fukin |
vicinity |
フライパン |
furaipan |
flying pan |
電子レンジ |
denshi renji |
oven microwave |
炊飯器 |
suihanki |
rice cooker |
しゃもじ |
shamoji |
rice scoop |
缶切り |
kankiri |
can opener |
栓抜き |
sennuki |
bottle opener |
笊 |
zaru |
sieve |
ポット |
potto |
pot |
ガス台 |
gasudai |
gas units |
流し台 |
nagashidai |
sink |
肉 |
niku |
meat |
牛肉 |
gyuuniku |
beef |
鶏肉 |
toriniku |
chicken |
豚肉 |
butaniku |
pork |
魚 |
sakana |
fish |
Other vocabulary list:
Japanese Transitive Verb / Tadoushi (他動詞) Vocabulary List
Well, that was
the Japanese vocabulary list: all about cooking (料理). I will see you again tomorrow with a new vocabulary list in other categories, so please wait us and come here again tomorrow, ok(^_^)/.
Posted by Riizhu
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