Japanese Language Vocabulary List: Cooking (料理)

Ohayou gozaimasu^^ have you had breakfast, learners? and what was your menu? Did you cook it by yourself? Do you like cooking?^^ If you like cooking, maybe this vocabulary list is useful for you^^, well today's category is all about cooking (料理), come on let's have a look^^:

Japanese Vocabulary List: Cooking / Ryouri
Japanese Romaji English
料理 ryouri cooking
料理する ryouri suru to cook
煮る niru to boil
焼く yaku to bake
揚げる ageru to fry
炒める itameru soulteing
茹でる yuderu to boil
蒸す  musu to steam
炊く taku cooking rice
むく muku to peel
刻む kizamu to chop up
かき混ぜる kakimazeru to mix
調味料 choumiryou flavour
しょうゆ shouyu soy sauce
砂糖 satou sugar
shio salt
su vinegar
みそ miso miso
abura oil
ソース soosu sauce
玉葱 tamanegi onion
人参 ninjin carrot
レタス retasu lettuce
果物 kudamono fruit
野菜 yasai vegetable
茄子 nasu eggplant
キャベツ kyabetsu cabbage
大蒜 ninniku garlic
胡瓜 kyuuri cucumber
ピーマン piiman green chillies
メキャベツ mekyabetsu bean sprouts
マヨネーズ mayoneezu mayonnaise
ケチャップ kechappu ketchup
こしょう koshou pepper
とがらし togarashi cayenne
しょうが shouga ginger
カレー粉 kareeko flour curry
tamago egg
ご飯 gohan cooked rice
kome rice
台所 daidokoro kitchen
台所用品 daidokoroyouhin kitchen appliance
なべ nabe pan
やかん yakan teapot
ふた futa lid
食べる taberu to eat
食べ物 tabemono food
買い物 kaimono shopping
飲む nomu to drink
飲み物 nomimono beverage
飲食 inshoku food and drink
昼食/昼ご飯 chuushoku/hirugohan lunch
夜食/晩ご飯 yashoku/bangohan dinner/supper
朝食/朝ご飯 choushoku/asagohan breakfast
おたま otama ladle
スプーン supuun spoon
フォーク fooku fork
お皿 osara dish
ナイフ naifu knife
まな板 manaita chopping board
包丁 houchou kitchen knife
付近 fukin vicinity
フライパン furaipan flying pan
電子レンジ denshi renji oven microwave
炊飯器 suihanki rice cooker
しゃもじ shamoji rice scoop
缶切り kankiri can opener
栓抜き sennuki bottle opener
zaru sieve
ポット potto pot
ガス台 gasudai gas units
流し台 nagashidai sink
niku meat
牛肉 gyuuniku beef
鶏肉 toriniku chicken
豚肉 butaniku pork
sakana fish

Other vocabulary list: Japanese Transitive Verb / Tadoushi (他動詞) Vocabulary List

Well, that was the Japanese vocabulary list: all about cooking (料理). I will see you again tomorrow with a new vocabulary list in other categories, so please wait us and come here again tomorrow, ok(^_^)/.

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